Signs your home could use a water softener

Many people in the US take water for granted, not considering its attributes except that it is wet. However, most residents have to deal with one of its less attractive features, which is toughness.

Water hardness is caused by a high concentration of minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium along with trace amounts of other metals that naturally dissolve in drinking water.

Hard water has a negative effect on many things we do every day, such as bathing, showering, doing laundry, and washing dishes. Hard water can be a problem wherever people live in the country.

Fortunately, its negative effects can be lessened by installing a water softener, which removes dissolved minerals by using sodium or potassium ions instead of calcium and magnesium ions. When homeowners’ water is too hard, they can see these telltale signs that a water softener is needed.

  • stains

Since there are dissolved minerals and metals in hard water, it can leave tough stains on the surface of bathtubs, toilets, and sinks, as well as white deposits around faucets. A temporary solution to remove stains from fixtures is to soak the affected area in ½ cup of powdered detergent; when it comes to white deposits around the faucet, you can spray the area with white vinegar and let it sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing and then cleaning thoroughly with a soft cloth.

  • ScaleBuildup

Scale or lime is mineral deposits that can build up on coffee pots, kettles, kettles, glassware, crockery and cutlery, leaving a hard, chalky film that is difficult to remove. What can be worse is scale buildup within the water using appliances like washing machines and dishwashers, in addition to the plumbing system resulting in costly repairs.

  • Higher electricity and water bills

When utility bills are surprisingly high, homeowners may want to check their home plumbing for signs of scale. Scale can build up over a period of time and clog pipes, making a home’s heating system work harder to get water through. Additionally, scale buildup can affect the efficiency of water heaters and boilers.

  • Gray or faded clothing

Hard water not only makes bath and laundry soaps less effective, it also leaves behind a slimy residue that makes clothes fade, look gray or dull, smell sour, and become coarse. Also, using hard water to wash clothes can cause them to wear out prematurely.

  • Dry Skin and Hair

The minerals in hard water can make skin dry, itchy, and flaky, as well as block skin pores, causing inflammation, pimples, or blackheads. Soap does not dissolve well in hard water, leaving a sticky film on the skin and defeating its purpose of removing bacteria and dirt. This film also leaves hair dry, limp and dull.

  • Problems with the water heater

One of the very expensive and inconvenient signs that a home needs a water softener is when a water heater malfunctions or stops working. Hard water can prematurely and rapidly age water heaters, particularly electric types, as heating hard water accelerates the development of scale in the tank, as well as its expensive heating elements.

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