Start your day with energy early in the morning

Are you an early riser or someone who gets out of bed at the last possible minute to get to work on time? If you fall into second class let me let you in on a little secret, there is an incredible power to starting your day early that makes you feel fantastic before you even walk out the door. Let me share with you why you want to become an early riser and start your day early.

Early risers feel a great sense of accomplishment before everyone else’s day begins

For me, one of the biggest benefits of getting up early is that even before the day really begins, you already feel like you’ve accomplished a lot and your to-do list may already be halfway done. Suddenly the day becomes much more manageable and you feel great! If you get up late from bed you will probably just make it to work on time without doing anything and then when you get home at night all you can say is that you went to work but if you wake up early you will have a list full of things done for when I get home from work.

Get off to a peaceful start

Have you ever felt rushed, harassed, and like you just wanted to slow down a bit? So wake up earlier! When you wake up earlier, you have time to start your day slowly and calmly. Take the time to sit quietly and feel peace even before you lift a foot from the bed. Personally, I use some of my time in the mornings to pray, do some stretching (and some strength training a bit later), and say some affirmations.

Start your day with gratitude

One of my morning routines is to keep a gratitude journal. Some people do this at night, but I’ve found that journaling in the morning starts my day with a positive attitude and also helps me stay more positive throughout the day.

When the day goes crazy

Do you know those days when sometimes everything seems to go crazy? Have you wanted to do a lot of things and then the day comes and things just spiral out of control and you find out you haven’t done anything? Well, getting up early means you have some time in the morning to get a few things done before the day starts to take a turn for the worse. Even if at 8 am the world falls apart, you can still say that you achieved something before that.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an early bird or an early riser, I encourage you to try getting up early for a while and see the benefits. The most important thing is to develop a good attitude and realize the benefits of getting up early because then it will be much easier to do so. Start your day productive but calm. Feel a sense of accomplishment as you walk out the door, and if it all goes wrong, at least you’ll know you had a good day.

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