Stuck-Itis: what it is and how to cure it

Feeling trapped? Doesn’t it suck!? No matter how successful, fired up, or connected we may be, we’ve all had that experience of what I like to call “stuck-itis.”

The symptoms of stickitis are many and varied depending on the severity of the case and the circumstances in which we find ourselves. You may have itis jam if you have experienced:

  • Delay
  • Avoidance
  • Frustration
  • boredom
  • the boring
  • impotence

So what do we do to break these feelings? We often struggle and struggle through our blocks, getting tangled up in knots and exhausting ourselves in the process only to realize in the cold light of day that we haven’t really moved on at all. Why? Maybe we are…

  • try too hard
  • overcomplicating the situation
  • overthinking things
  • put too much pressure on ourselves
  • trying the same approach over and over again expecting a different result…

…hey, isn’t that the definition of crazy!? Oh! No wonder we find ourselves in a hole that seems to be getting deeper! So how do we unearth ourselves? Put away the shovel, I have prepared a list of 5 things that can help you get unstuck…

The antidote for stuck-itis

1. Acknowledgment and acceptance

It takes a lot of courage to do this, but simply acknowledging that we have a problem and accepting that we are stuck can bring instant relief. When we deny, reject, or fight our feelings, we are often just adding fuel to the fire that makes our situation worse. Acknowledging the problem and accepting ourselves in the state we are in allows us to better face the problem at hand. Remember that you are not saying that this problem will be there forever, you are just accepting your experience in order to progress.

2. Let go

Acknowledging and accepting the problem gives you the ability to let it go. Stop trying to control the situation and force a solution. Take a moment, let go of the problem, just for a moment. It doesn’t mean you don’t care, it just gives you the ability to breathe, gain perspective, and be open to other possible solutions. You can do this simply by saying “Now I let go.” Then, most importantly, stop thinking about it, stop talking about it, and stop working on it. Literally leave it on for 24 hours and see what happens. You can always come back to him tomorrow with fresh eyes. You’ll be better prepared to handle it and may even figure out a different way to get over it.

3. Meditate

Now that you’ve let go of the problem, you have the mental capacity to meditate, to really clear your subconscious of the clutter. Meditation comes in different forms and means different things to different people. You can sit, lie down or stand while you repeat a mantra, a word or visualize an ideal scenario. You can even listen to a guided meditation from your library, bookstore, or download it. The options are endless, but in this case the goal is the same: clarity. Engage in any peaceful, relaxing activity that clears your mind.

4. Brainstorm

You have taken the time to sweep away the cobwebs, now there is room for new, positive and productive thoughts. Grab a pen and paper and take a moment to capture them. If you find your pen “frozen”, just write at the top of your page the problem at hand in the form of a question like “How do I…?” Take a moment to reflect on that question, and then write down whatever comes to mind. It doesn’t need to make sense, be realistic, achievable, or even spell correctly. It just needs to be written. When you’ve filled your page with whatever came to mind, take a moment to review what you’ve written and highlight the key concepts and solutions that resonate with you.

5. Decide on your new address and design it

Now you have your brain full of possibilities and you have mined diamonds, now it’s time to decide on a new direction and design it. You may need a professional to help you with this, but if you take the time to invest in self-exploration and research, you can chart a new course for yourself. First of all, aim high, dream big and take risks. Then break it down into achievable chunks and add to it constantly to celebrate your successes on the road to your new destination.

Phew! Congratulations on taking the time to heal your stuck, and all the best as you embark on your new journey.

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