Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Gastritis and Gastric Ulcer

Gastritis is a functional abnormality of the stomach characterized by various symptoms, the most common being pain or heartburn, indigestion and heartburn. Gastritis can be acute or chronic.

In the first case, they are greater and manifest through phases in which the symptoms are more pronounced and, in the acute ones, they occur due to more recent causes, such as involvement of drugs in the gastric mucosa, poisoning, poor diet, and others.

Gastritis is inflammation and irritation of the stomach membranes. A gastric ulcer is a wound in the lining of the stomach, duodenum, or small intestine.


Dyspepsia, poor digestion, vomiting, headache, heartburn, burning and discomfort. In the case of ulcer, you feel pain in the stomach.


The main causes are alcohol, coffee, fried foods and spices in general. Stress, nervousness and anxiety are also a reason for gastritis. Gastritis is usually associated with nervous, psychosomatic factors, eating habits or as a consequence of stressful and unbalanced lifestyles. There is also a relevant factor that heredity is where people are more susceptible to this disease. Theories have recently emerged that point to the possibility of the bacterium Helicobacter pilorii developing gastritis and ulcers. The evolution of gastritis can cause stomach ulcers.


It should be eliminated by using some seasonings, spices, pepper, alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, some pain relievers, and frying tablets. It is recommended to eat foods such as cheese, flour, cereals, baked potato, noodle and chicken soup, boiled egg…

It is also advisable to have several light meals instead of 2 or 3 large ones. Aloe Vera juice ingestion is also very beneficial – starting with a small amount – 25 ml, diluted with water to increase the amount after one week of initial use.

The use of tea such as Espinheira Santa has shown an analgesic effect in addition to its healing action. Warning: If you see signs of blood in your stool, see a doctor quickly.

Natural therapy against gastritis

  • bee propolis
  • Aloe vera juice (aloe): take a dose of 30 ml (3 tablespoons) 30 minutes before meals
  • Holy Espinheira
  • wheat germ
  • Balm (a handful of leaves in a beaker of 250 ml of water in a blender and beat, is taken twice a day once on an empty stomach and one evening – half a cup at a time).
  • ipe roxo
  • Zedoaria
  • Jatoba resin
  • burdock
  • sagebrush

Tea against gastritis and ulcers

– Take a spinach leaf, boil and drink 3-4 times a day.

– Diet without taste Rice Potato to be used for some time.

– Fasting cabbage juice all day in the morning…

– For gastritis, ulcers and inflammation in general, place 20 grams of the herb called sucuuba (Hymath Scuubas) in a liter of boiling water. Let cool and drink 3-4 cups per day.

– Blend 1 large potato (or 2 medium ones) and drink a glass of “milk” 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner;

GASTRITIS: Treat for 2 weeks;

ULCER: treat for 1 month.

indicated plants

Ambrette, Amelo, Artemisia, Burdock, Sweetwort, Camédrio, Centaurea Major, Ceveda (seed), Flax (seed), White horehound (leaves), Miglio (seed), Parietaria, Salgueirinha.

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