tennis club accessories

There are 3 ways to grow your tennis club…

1) Get members to buy more.

2) Get more money from each transaction.

3) Increase your membership dues.

Now, let’s talk about using plugins to triple your earnings.

Please do this in the additional question.

What other products and services do your members need and how can you establish a partnership with that provider or company?

Here are some great plugin ideas to get you started.

More private lessons.

If they take 1 with you, have them take 2 or if they take 2 go up to 3, with a discount of course.

Most adults need more practice time on the court anyway.

Many take lessons for years and never really progress because they don’t have enough time for the lesson and practice.

So, there’s your pitch!

Take advantage of your child’s lessons.

I got this plugin from my first manager at Nishinomiya.

This is what he did.

He focused on developing our children’s program and then we leveraged each relationship.

We would get the kids to agree to a weekly package, where they would take lessons 3 times a week.

Then we would sell mom why she needs to take lessons too.

And, of course, the father would also join later.

In the end, we would be selling good packaged deals for families and tripling our profits.

And last.

Turn your sports store into a complement.

Use your sports store as a complement to each new transaction or to promote your members in a creative way.

Offer a discount to all new members when they join. (Pack it with a racket and 2 sets of clothes and other tennis aids/equipment)

They’re going to need tennis clothes anyway, so give them a fair price.

To do that.

Use the reverse trading method.

You don’t want to buy and have a lot of inventory to store. Have the vendor present you with the rackets and tennis gear and sell them first, then pay for them.

Get creative and sell, sell, sell and your vendor will love you for it.

With this sports store model, you can offer a fair price and promote it daily and take advantage of your club.


Those are just 3 ideas for plugins.

Make sure that in your daily or weekly meeting, you and your staff brainstorm more ideas for using plugins in all your transactions starting today.

Then watch your club profits skyrocket!

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