The dark art of seduction to make a woman interested in you forever!

Many times in the past you might have tried to get closer to the women of your fantasies. To catch her interest and sexual arousal, you thought of making an interesting story, doing magic tricks, creating an interest and asking her about it and paying close attention to their conversation… To your dismay, she is more excited for the Dick behind from you who looked more like a drunk and a gangster! At the end, she says, “Nice to meet you, but you’re blocking my way to him!”, and she shows you Dick who’s grinning at her like a wolf!

This is the mistake you’ve made

WHAT you say is less important than HOW you say it, period!

So if you’re reading this article for more jokes, one-liners, and magic tricks, go home!

What I am about to give you is to discover the ultimate secret to making women fall in love with you by getting them interested in you! And it doesn’t matter what you say or do!

If you want to start and end a topic like what all the teachers told you, you can help women fall asleep faster by making them bored to death!

The Dark Side – The unfinished secret art of seduction.

When you leave an idea or story unfinished, it becomes more captivating and the people around you want it to play out to the end, if there is one in the first place.

In the context of attracting beautiful young women, you force them to pay a lot of attention to you.

If you decided to introduce yourself, you will tell him your name, your job and what you do. Unless you say you’re a billionaire, anything else will be blown away!

But if you start telling her that she has something of great importance that you couldn’t even whisper to her, it will create a sense of intrigue around you and she will be very curious about you.

What you did was change the interest from you to her, to a situation where she is interested in you right now!

Now that is a very powerful dark technique!

Maybe when you meet the woman of your dreams, you’ll want to say this: “Hello, I’m Edward, but I prefer to be called Forest Gump!”. And she will ask why. You might want to add if she knows the “Forest Gump” movie, and if she does, you can tell her that you like the guy who always focused on what he did and became a billionaire! Now, that adds up to a lot and she will find that you are very curious that you too want to become a billionaire. Interesting!

You could even say that Forest was a direct guy, and wishing you were the same, you would have asked for a simple kiss on the cheek to show her that she is very sexy and pretty and to show that you appreciate what she is. a beautiful woman that she is she! Then you will sadly sign that you are not Forest and decide to look into her eyes. She will surprise you what she will ask of you next!

Are you ready to go to bed with her right now?

The dark art of seduction to make a woman interested in you rules very easily! Are you ready for more?

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