The genital herpes virus: what is genital herpes and how to know if you have it

Genital herpes is very common in the United States and around the world. Research shows that up to 20% of all sexually active people in the United States have it. That’s one in six. That’s a lot. The scary part is that many of them don’t even know they have it.

Herpes infection is caused by a virus. There are two kinds. The first type, herpes simplex – 1, causes what is commonly known as a “cold sore” or “cold sore” in the mouth or on the lips. There are over the counter medications that are available to treat this.

The second type is called herpes simplex-2. This is the genital herpes virus. It is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Anyone who tests positive for this infection can spread it to others through sexual activity. When a person comes into contact with another person who has it, they can also get it. Even when the infected person does not have any symptoms, they can transmit it. Using a condom does not always protect people from getting it. Not having sex (called abstinence) is the only way to completely avoid the risk of getting it. So how do you know if you have it? The only way to know is to get an STD test.

It’s crazy how genital herpes lives inside the body. What happens is that the virus enters the system through the skin. It then travels within the body and to the nerves where it lives forever. It may never activate and just live inside a person for their entire life. However, you can decide that you want to activate at any time. This activity is characterized by what doctors call a “flare.” An outbreak is when blisters and/or open sores appear in and around the genital and/or anal region. Most of the time, these blisters will eventually crust over and heal over the course of a few weeks. However, outbreaks can occur over and over again as long as you live.

Although these are not the only symptoms. Other symptoms may include: sores inside the tube that urine passes through (called the urethra), pain when urinating (especially in women), swollen glands, and fever. Some people even complain of headaches and backaches. An STD test is the only way to know if these symptoms are due to genital herpes or something else.

Once a person is infected, symptoms may appear within a few days or it may take a couple of weeks. But sometimes people can have it for years and never show any symptoms until suddenly one day they notice open sores on their genitals. Symptoms can be mild where a person hardly notices them. They can also be very painful and severe. Either way, it’s important to get tested in a lab and be treated by a doctor. There are prescription medications that can be taken to keep flare-ups and other symptoms to a minimum.

It is important to keep breakouts to a minimum and not touch the sores when they occur. Fluid from a sore can be transferred to another part of the body through touch. For example, if someone touches a sore and then touches their eye, they could transfer the infection to the eye.

Genital herpes can be especially harmful to women. If left untreated, this infection can cause miscarriages or premature births in pregnant women. It is recommended that pregnant women have a cesarean delivery instead of a vaginal one. This reduces the risk of transmitting the herpes virus to the baby.

There are several ways to reduce the risk of getting herpes. The first, best, and only way to avoid contact with the virus is to not have sex or engage in sexual activity. This is called withdrawal. Anyone who is not abstinent is at risk.

Being in a monogamous relationship (meaning with only one person) who has a negative STD test definitely lowers your risk, but you never know when or if your partner may be unfaithful. Using latex condoms throughout sexual activity is another way to reduce risk. However, condoms may not prevent you from getting it. Areas of the genitals and anus that are not covered by a condom can still carry the infection and cause it to spread. So how do you know if you or your partner has it? Again, an STD test is the only way to know if you have the genital herpes virus.

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