The Tiny House movement and the merits of downsizing

People talk about the movement of tiny houses. What is it? Are small houses moving down the street to tiny lots? Is it a political movement? This movement has to do with a segment of society that claims that people are reducing the space or spaces in which they live.

If you haven’t heard of it, the tiny house movement is a growing trend and not just a fad. It has appeared on television networks around the world. What makes the small movement so big, and what determines what a small house is? The average home in America is less than 3,000 square feet in size. Tiny houses are built with the focus on smaller simplified living, so they average around 400 to 500 square feet maximum. Some small houses are very small, around 65 square feet.

But why the move towards downsizing?

This movement has to do with efficiency, saving natural resources and the environment. People who have been concerned about these factors in society have been very concerned about the amount of natural resources (and the waste that goes with them) that are generated every time a standard-size home is built.

And if you include all the resources that go into maintaining older standard-size homes, it can be argued that the old adage of “bigger is better” is no longer better. For example: if a small house of approximately 200 square feet is built in remote areas away from sprawling cities, the house leaves virtually no impact or carbon footprint on the natural environment around it. And in many areas, tiny houses use solar panels as a source of energy.

Smaller houses are also financially friendly

When you consider that many cars cost more than $ 50,000 today, it’s easy to see the economic value of getting involved in the tiny home movement. Tiny houses or homes can cost as little as $ 37,000 if you buy a prefab or prefab. If you build it yourself, you will save much more.

Many people think that buying a small house means living in a cardboard box or something. Not so. Because the cost of a small home is so low, builders can focus on higher quality building materials that are more energy efficient and last longer than the materials used in traditional home construction.

The tiny home movement is also providing an affordable means of home ownership for people whose homes were destroyed during hurricanes in the southeastern United States in the past ten years. Some people whose homes were completely demolished couldn’t afford to rebuild or didn’t have enough insurance coverage to rebuild their old home. So tiny houses give them a comfortable and safe life.

Downsizing to a Simple Home Is the Answer for Some

There are some people who have not been affected by natural disasters or financial crises. They simply want to join the movement because for many people in today’s hectic society, simplicity is king. Many people in society over the past few decades have found themselves working long workweeks and getting little time off, only to spend that time constantly maintaining a large home that they hardly ever spent time in. While tiny houses will always be just that, the tiny house movement is turning into something big.

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