Weight loss plans and the Pied Piper

We all have to pay the piper at some point. As you probably remember how the story unfolded, an enterprising young man offered to take away the rats that infested Hamelin. In exchange, he would be paid for his services, but the townspeople reneged on their deal. They lost not only the rats, but also their children.

Weight loss plans have some similarities to this old fable. The way you diet has a lot to do with paying the piper. If you try the shortcut of starving yourself, you are not paying and the consequences will not be as expected. If you follow through on your commitment, your bill is paid.

Ninety percent of commercially advertised weight loss plans promise quick results without any effort on your part. Effort is part of your payment to the piper, and without it you cannot expect long-term success. You also pay by making the effort to maintain a healthy diet, not one that just counts calories.

It all starts in your head

Even if you know the facts, they won’t do you much good if you can’t stick with the program. The right kind of weight loss plans will work for anyone, but that only happens with commitment. If you are not motivated, no diet will work.

Just knowing that something is the right thing to do is not enough motivation to carry a person through a lifestyle change. When you develop tendencies to sit on the couch and eat junk food, it’s hard to wake up one day and change unless something motivates you.

The motivation may come from your doctor, who says that you are at serious health risk if you don’t lose weight. Wouldn’t it be better to start a weight maintenance program without losing your health first?

One hundred percent of weight loss plans do not provide the necessary motivation for commitment. You have to furnish it yourself. The first change you should make is right between your ears. Without it, you won’t lose pounds or maintain your optimal weight.

time to reschedule

The residents of Hamelin were stubborn, just like people today. Their minds were set on getting something for nothing, and there was no change in that attitude until it was too late. You have the time from now on to change your attitude. You must work to incorporate new thoughts into your subconscious mind if you are going to follow weight loss plans that not only work to get you to the weight and size you want, but keep you there.

The correct motivation should carry you until your trained subconscious mind begins to take over the kidneys, and the lifestyle becomes a habit. He must convince himself that it will only get easier the longer he stays with a life option to maintain the weight he really wants, because it’s true.

You can either pay the piper now or continue to fail to lose weight and keep it off. The choice is up to you.

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