What is SEO? How to apply SEO to your website

Many people have a common misconception of what SEO really is. So, you are probably wondering what is SEO? SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the use of various techniques to help improve a website’s ranking in search engines, which in turn will attract more visitors. That probably sounded pretty strange to you, so I’ll break it down into terms we can all understand.

To have a good SEO there are many factors to consider. The first thing you should think about is a keyword or keyword phrase. This is vital: your keyword will be your point of focus for your entire page. There are many tools to use when determining which keyword to use. I prefer the free methods like the Google AdWords tool or you can use the keyword tracking tool on your site. I use both, it helps me better determine how many searches I can get for each of my keywords. Remember that the Google AdWords tool shows you how many people are searching for your keywords for the month and the keyword tracking tool shows how people are searching for your keyword on a daily basis.

Now that you have your keyword, you need to place it correctly on your website and in your content. You have two different readers that you need to be aware of coming to your website. You have the normal John or Jane and you have the search engine spiders. John visits his site to see the amazing content he is providing. On the other hand, you have the search spiders coming in to see if your content is relevant to what the reader wants. You have to please both sides of your “readers”. If you don’t make the spiders happy, John or Jane will never be able to see your content. The keyword placement will be matched if you can keep John and Jane happy. Some things you need to do for the spiders to see how relevant your page is: put your keyword in the title of your content, once or twice in the first paragraph of your article, keep in mind that your content should make sense to the reader, and once in the last paragraph. You should also place your keyword in the title tag, header tag, and meta tag. You should also write a meta description, this will help with spiders indexing your page and should entice your readers to click on your link in Google. If you don’t write a meta description, Google will create one for you based on your content and they are often bland and don’t make sense to the reader.

There are many tactics and strategies in SEO to consider and I only scratched the surface. I’ll break SEO down into categories and show you ways to maximize your efforts in future articles. I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and have learned what SEO is. Thank you and see you soon.

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