what your friends mean to you

The only way to have a friend is to be one.”… Emerson

Who are your friends? What do they mean to you?

No matter where you go, a friend is there, waiting for you. Take a look at how each person appeared in your life today, who they are, and how you interact with them.

It can be a deep friendship or just a passing joke, but every time you give or receive friendly energy, you acquire a kind and adaptable way of being, that carries you through all kinds of situations, bringing a richer and better version of you. to the world. and yourself

Speak nicely to someone you haven’t met before and don’t expect to see again. Smile at someone passing by instead of looking away.

Think kind thoughts about the people you don’t like, and even more so about the ones you do like. When you soften your point of view, life becomes friendlier, a better place to be.

Be a good friend to yourself, listen to your feelings and thoughts, and think of ways to enjoy life more.

Make a note to think positively about who your friends are and expect to run into them in unexpected places.

“Existence is a strange bargain. Life owes us little; we owe it everything. The only true happiness comes from wasting ourselves on purpose.”… William Cowper

How do you see yourself in the process of life? Are you a force, an individual, part of a team? The truth is that you are a combination of all this and more. When you truly align with your ability to live in the moment, you see more possibilities every minute of the day.

Adopt the attitude of being able to change things, and you will gain more from that ability. Pay close attention to the things you can do to improve the lives of others and yourself. There is always an opportunity.

Use your knowledge of where you are to visualize what you want to become and take a step toward it, right now.

Keep doing it, and your path will begin to open up and be illuminated by unknown forces that are deep within you, waiting to well up. You are more than you think you are.

Just one action at a time, you create today, the day you have to work with. By the time “tomorrow” arrives, it will be “today”! Small steps to make use of what you observe will show you the hidden ability you have to co-create your world. What you pay attention to grows and becomes more powerful, attracting more of what you want into your life.

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