Why do we deprive ourselves when trying to run to the finish line?

It’s hard to figure out, but unless you’re in a real race, it’s not your job to race to the finish line. Life is short enough without the whole of society trying to rush through the next step before we have finished the current step. It is very important in this life to enjoy all that is before you with joy and gratitude as you pay attention to the journey along the way. It is on the journey of life that we receive our blessings, learn our lessons, and grow as people, but most are so busy taking the next step that we tend to miss those important milestones that shape our lives.

For Type A personalities like me, this is a very difficult lesson. By continually focusing on doing the right thing and achieving the goal, most of the time all the beauty in front of you is lost. More importantly, in life there are lessons to be learned and if you are continually searching for the finish line, those lessons are elusive. But rest assured, they will surely bite you again. They always do, so take the time to smell the roses and enjoy the ride, no matter how difficult the ride. Truly, it is your journey to have and live in the now that allows you to appreciate, recognize, process, learn and grow. Don’t we all deserve so much?

Talk to the mother who couldn’t wait for her baby to walk for the convenience of the scissors and then ask her how she feels after her baby no longer wants to be held. Only when that girl is walking now does she realize that she missed delighting in the moment of the last time her baby wanted to be near her. It is a sad understanding for her that she wanted to rush the process and she will never be able to regain that moment.

Remember to take the time right now to observe all the beauty around you. In chaotic, confusing, or even sad times in your life, take the time to sit in the present moment and contemplate all the blessings in your life. Easier said than done, yes, but remember that at the end of the day, tomorrow is not promised. All you have is today and this moment. And although things may seem less than ideal at times and you may even have to look more than usual at times, your blessings are always there, right in front of you.

I share this with you because writing is how I heal myself, and I recently forgot the lesson of enjoying the ride one more time. Like many, I fall down often, but eventually I get back up and if I can help a person through my own experience, they call me to do just that. So please share this with anyone you think could use this gentle reminder of the important things in life.

Love and light to you! Enjoy the truly important things and their many blessings this holiday season!


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