4 ways to get back to your boyfriend’s life after a breakup

If you’ve recently broken up with your boyfriend, it’s no wonder getting back into his life is high on your list. However, wanting to get back in your life and doing it are two different things. Your initial moves after the breakup can make or break your chances of getting back together, so you’ll need to come up with a game plan and execute it carefully.

Take it easy at first … that’s the idea here. Move too fast and too soon, your ex will simply drift further away from you.

Remember that he broke up with you. If you want to get him back, you need to give him a reason to go out with you again and you need to show him in a way that doesn’t scare him away. If you go too hard, he will look the other way and not even give you a second thought.

Understand that getting back into your ex’s life won’t happen instantly. The biggest mistake you can make is trying to re-enter their life immediately after you’ve broken up. Guys can see this coming from a mile away no matter how sweet and innocent they think they are.

What I’m trying to convey here is that you can’t just call him to chat or say “hi” or do anything else that might give you a “reason” to contact your ex. As difficult as it may be, what you need to do now is get away from him. Separating from him gives you an air of independence and, by not forcing the issue, makes it seem like you’ve accepted the breakup.

This is probably the best strategy to use, especially if you are having trouble breaking contact with him or are still trying to communicate with you.

Once you’ve decided to part ways with him, it must be something that you stick with for a while. Take comfort in the fact that if you execute it correctly, you will get your boyfriend back and he will climb up the walls to talk to you again. The no contact rule after a breakup is painful and temporary, but it is also the most necessary phase to get your ex boyfriend back. The longer the period of no contact between you and your ex extends, the more power you will have to put yourself in a better position when it’s time to get back together.

How long should the no contact rule last?

The ideal no-contact period lasts between 6 and 8 weeks. The best part about your immediate withdrawal from your life is that it will trigger deep-seated thinking on your part. As your ex begins to examine the fact that you can live and breathe without him, he will begin to make serious decisions in his life.

Nothing in a relationship speaks louder than actions, especially when those actions are nothing at all. If you take something away, let it be this: When it comes to getting your ex back, less is more. The less you do now, the less you have to do later when it’s time to talk again.

All men think the same when it comes to breaking up with a girl:

“After breaking up with a girl, I hope she runs back to me. She will have a million reasons why we should stick together, but I have a million reasons why we shouldn’t.”

“I guarantee that he will try to contact you again. The first few days after the breakup are awkward, so I try to keep my cell phone turned off.”

“If you don’t play your cards right, the breakup can be just stressful as a relationship. The more you try to move forward with the relationship, the less attractive it will become and the less I want to see it.”

As you can see, you should ignore the urge to contact your ex immediately after the breakup, because doing so will seriously damage your chances of getting back together. Forcing the problem with your ex could seriously alter the way he views you, and it won’t be good.

With that being said, there is a time when it’s okay to get in touch with your ex, which won’t negatively affect you or your chances of getting back together. If you fully and effectively implement the no contact rule with your ex, the usual waiting period is six to eight weeks. I know it seems like a long time. However, this period of time is imperative when it comes to getting back together because it ensures that a few things have happened:

1. Not having any contact with your boyfriend for six to eight weeks will make you extremely mysterious and attractive to him. He’s going to be curious as to why you dropped off the face of the earth and didn’t try to fight for the relationship. Also, your lack of contact with him will make you guess whether or not you have a new boyfriend and you will begin to doubt yourself, wondering if you made a serious mistake.

2. Enough time has passed for your ex boyfriend to miss you. The six to eight week time period lasts long enough for this to start to happen naturally without you having to lift a finger. This clearly shows you the power of the no contact rule and why getting your ex back is so important.

3. Contacting your ex-boyfriend after such a long absence will be greeted with pleasure rather than opposition, in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he contacted you first! He’s going to be curious to know what you’ve been up to for so long, so take it easy and take it easy on the first phone call, don’t rush to do anything. From what he knows, you probably have another boyfriend and are completely over it.

Most effective methods to contact your ex after breakup

Alright, it’s time to move on to the important thing: how should you contact your ex boyfriend for the first time? What methods are the most effective for reestablishing contact, and how can you get back in touch with him in a way that doesn’t scare him off?

Let’s examine each option below:


Of all the ways at your disposal, this is probably the worst. Writing a note on their wall is boring and shows them that you are not very creative.

What you are really telling your ex is that he is not important to you and that you would rather leave him a two-second message than have an actual conversation with him. Instead, he turned to using social media and his computer to reopen the lines of communication. As you can see, this is not a very good idea.

Text messages:

As before, this is a failure. Texting your ex is only slightly better than a Facebook wall post. The problem with texting is that it leaves room for your ex’s interpretation which could lead to confusion and ruin your chances of getting back together, it also gives you the option to delete your message entirely … which could cause you to panic. and then you’re left wondering if he ever got the message in the first place, or just deleted it.


Email is better than the previous two methods, but still not pretty. Having said that, I still don’t recommend doing it unless your relationship started out that way (which many do today).

The advantage of using email instead of texting and Facebook is that it’s easier to compose your message and get your thoughts and ideas across. Ideally, you want to create a message that makes your ex want to call you back. The more cryptic and mysterious you are in your message, the more he will want to call you back and see what you’ve been up to. The end goal here is for your ex to call you. Reconnecting by phone is always the best option.

The phone call:

Don’t rush things when it comes to the phone call. This should be done when he has a few minutes to talk and have a real conversation with you. Don’t call him at work or when he’s out with his friends.

The phone call with your boyfriend is the most important step when it comes to communicating with him again and that is why you must be very careful. Keep the conversation between the two of you light and upbeat and try to be a bit mysterious as well. And do not forget, since it was you who initiated the call; make sure you’re in control of him when he’s done.

During the phone call, be sure to use this simple trick that will make your ex unable to get you off his mind. If you sow the seed now during your call, your ex will be left imagining you for the rest of the night and all week.

The face-to-face meeting:

Regardless of what phase you are in, you will eventually have a face-to-face meeting with your ex. This can be risky or rewarding since they haven’t been seen for so long, but if done correctly it can lead to quick results. I hope that during your no-contact period you have improved as a person both physically and mentally. It is important that your ex is attracted to you as before. If you look, dress, and smell your best, you will attract the attention of your ex boyfriend and greatly improve your chances of getting him back.

Like the phone call with your ex, you are just looking to give him a little taste, don’t give him too soon. Any face-to-face contact with your ex boyfriend should be brief so that you keep his curiosity at its peak and wanting more. This will also make your chance meeting seem less staged.

If you meet by accident, keep the conversation short with an apology that you are busy and have another place to be. In this way, it will appear that you have completely moved, you have overcome it and you will have all the control.

Don’t be surprised if during your “chance” meeting he doesn’t want you to leave. Be prepared for this. If it happens, don’t worry; just tell him to call you later that night. That invitation alone will leave her heart pounding waiting to call you. This is a simple method for the conversation to flow between the two of you, and it puts the ball in your court.

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