5 challenges to choosing your preferred candidates

Although there are probably several reasons/explanations why this nation’s voter turnout percentage is, as low as it is, one of the main causes of this apparent voter apathy is disappointment, etc. . in our political system. If you think your elected officials, including senators, congressmen, and the president, accomplish too little for the greater good, you’re not alone! Are you sick and tired of empty rhetoric and broken promises, and the sentiment, little seems to change, for the better and all too often the best candidate goes unelected? For example, in 2016, more people did not exercise their right to vote than voted for any of the main candidates! For the second time in this century, the candidate with the fewest popular votes was the winner, due to the form, operation and functioning of the Electoral College! While the House of Representatives is much more representative of specific constituents and population sizes, due to gerrymandering, even this does not provide equal representation, etc.! The composition of the Senate, because it assigns two Senators to each state, regardless of its population, means, for example, that a state, like California, with about 40 million inhabitants, receives 1 Senator for every 20 million inhabitants. , while , with a population of around 550,000 inhabitants, has 1 senator for every 275,000 inhabitants. With that in mind, if you hope to change things for the better and have better candidates chosen, you need to at least understand these 5 challenges and proceed accordingly. For that reason, this article will attempt to review, consider, examine, and discuss a few things that could at least partially remedy these things.

1. Participation in the vote: It’s not enough to simply feel (or even know) that your side is in the majority, because unless/until you focus on getting voters on your side to go to the polls and cast their ballots, little, will change, for the better!

two. Inspire/ Motivate: To reduce this degree of inequality, perceived failure, and voter apathy, you need to clearly inspire and motivate your voters to get more involved and vote! They should try to articulate an easy-to-understand plan that emphasizes the breadbasket issues and unites us for the greater good!

3. Accountant/dispute related: It seems today’s political ads are more misleading than we have seen in recent memory! Many of these, rather than just using a basic political spin, are closer to being outright lies. Therefore, political campaigns must be more proactive and immediately adjust, react and counter/dispute these lies, clearly!

Four. Clearly articulating your reasons and benefits: It is essential to try to clearly articulate the reasons why your preferred candidate is the best option. It is far better to do it in a positive, profit-based way than go – negative! These days, unfortunately, too many political ads are negative!

5. Gain the trust: We need leaders who earn our trust, consistently, not by their rhetoric and promises, but by their commitment, planning, actions, strategies and the quality of their ideas! Instead of the same old, same old approach, we must demand ideas that are relevant and sustainable, rather than merely populist!

I have been convinced that all too often candidates were superior to their opponents, they lost their elections! The best thing each of us should do is to always vote and try to think beyond the short term, populism and emphasize the real needs, priorities and possibilities!

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