6 Very Powerful Body Language Cues for Flirting and Sexual Attraction

In the game of sexual attraction, what you say is not as important as what your body says. In fact, if you’re that good at silent speech, you can say a lot more with your body than words can do for you.

This is how you do it.

1. Triangulation of eye contact

First you need to draw attention to yourself. That can be achieved by fiddling with the collar, necklace or earring, or by dusting off the sleeve or shoulder, just to name a few. After capturing their attention, hold their gaze for about 3 seconds, breaking eye contact downward to capture the nose, lips, and chin.

Triangulated eye contact communicates a desire to get to know the other person more intimately (and I’m not talking about “sexual” people!). Keep in mind that while men generally don’t mind prolonged eye contact with a strange woman (in fact, they crave it, especially if she’s stunningly beautiful), women, on the other hand, tend to get quite irritated by stares. long stretches of unknown men (even large ones). those who watch).

Also beware of cultural differences.

2. Flash of eyebrows

Eye contact with a flash of the eyebrows followed by a smile has an even more powerful effect.

Make eye contact, hold their gaze for about 3 seconds, and break eye contact downwards (very briefly). When you look up again, take note of the chin, the lips, the nose, and work your way up to the eyes. Add the eyebrow flare and smile.

The message you want to send is “I was just being polite at first… but now that I’ve had a good look at it… OH-WOW!”

Shy people can do this much better than the more aggressive type because subtlety and modesty come naturally to shy men and women.

3. Eye-catching

Once you have their attention and the conversation is flowing, use your fingers to draw attention to their eyes and keep their gaze focused on you, and you alone. This is especially important when the exchange takes place in crowded or crowded conditions.

Gently touch her nose or gently rub her cheek making sure your index finger touches the area around the outer corner of her eye; your other fingers pointing to touch the mouth area. This says, “Look, we’re having a conversation here.” To create maximum rapport, be sure to maintain eye contact when the other person is speaking, then when your gaze begins to wander, bring it back by directing your eyes to their eye and mouth area.

Another thing you can do is support your face with both hands with your chin resting on the palms of your hands and your elbows on the table. Gently rub the area around the outer corners of both eyes with your index or middle finger; the other fingers spread slightly in a semicircle around your face. This gives the illusion that a whisper or secret is being shared. Very intimate!

And if you wear glasses, take them off slowly, rub your eyes very briefly, and put them back on. But please make sure it’s not so obvious. And don’t get red-eyed because the apple of your eye has their attention drawn to the guy or girl across the room. You have to make the conversation interesting too, not just desperately try to mechanically hold her gaze.

4. Sideways glance

This is best accomplished when you walk away from or sit with your back to the person you want to be attracted to. Slowly look behind you with your eyelids partially closed, but drop your gaze the moment you notice. This fall of gauze should be very short. Look up triangulating your eye contact starting with the chin, lips, nose and working your way up to the eyes. Smile.

Moistening your lips at the same time you look down increases sexual tension.

For women, the sideways look combined with a flick of the hair and parted lips can be very powerful. For men, this with the flash of eyebrows is devastating! But you need a bit of masculine confidence to not look creepy.

5. The crossed leg (women only)

Intertwined legs draw attention to body balance and give the impression of high muscle tone. Crossing and uncrossing your legs while an interested man is watching you is a strong sign of attraction, especially when you simultaneously maintain eye contact, tilt your head to the side, and pat or rub a knee.

The problem here is that the type of men you are most likely to attract with this move are horny men, yes, the hit and run type! So unless you really know the guy and have checked his stats, keep your feet on the ground and together.

And if you’re in a relationship or even married, these body language moves can do wonders for your sexual chemistry. And when combined with prolonged eye contact and stroking a cylindrical object like the stem of a wine glass, a straw, a pen, a pencil, or a cigarette… Aiyaiyaiyiayai! Houston, we have a problem”.

6. The Cowboy Hook (men only)

This “I’m all man!” The dominant position requires more male confidence to achieve. He works with his thumbs tucked into the belt and the other fingers resting on the sides of the thighs framing the groin area (did I say this requires more male confidence?).

You can also achieve the same effect (or close) by leaning against a door frame or wall with one hand, the other hand inside your pocket, thumb sticking out and pointing you-know-where.

Any hand gesture that draws attention to the groin area shows high sexual and social confidence. Much depends on whether the woman in question approves of a caveman’s approach.

Will any of these eye and body communication gestures get you the man or woman of your dreams?

Not necessarily. Personally, I don’t believe that mechanical body language gestures, however simple and flawless, can do anything for you other than boost your confidence and get sexual energy flowing through your body. At the end of the day, it’s the vibes of confidence that come from you that initiate sexual attraction. Body language can only kick-start the already existing sexual chemistry. If you can use body language to set off a chain reaction, you’re halfway there!

And just as it takes effort and practice to master any language, it takes practice to master body language. You can practice in front of a mirror or with the help of a supportive friend. You’ll find that as you become more fluent in your flirting and sexual attraction body language, your self-confidence as a sexually attractive man or woman also increases.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. The goal is not to become an expert in body language, but to be sexually confident with the opposite sex. So have fun with your sexual self. It’s yours to enjoy!

You can also use this knowledge to judge if someone is flirting with you, interested in you, and attracted to you. You can also use this knowledge to tell if someone is flirting with you, interested in you, and attracted to you. Keep in mind that body language is not an exact science.

For graphic illustrations of these powerful flirting and sexual attraction body language cues, click here and watch your flirting and sexual confidence hit the roof.

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