A Common Sense Guide to Auto Dealer Complaints

Things can go wrong and the true measure of our relationship with a car dealer is how they respond.

The most fundamental thing when making a complaint is to first establish the name of the person you have complained to and always make sure you are firm in your dealings by making sure that if you say you will call them back at a certain time, you will. .

Also, depending on the nature of your problem, you should make sure that you are talking to the person or department that is most likely to resolve your problem. Always try to stay calm and not lose your temper and swear. Always try to establish who has full control of the business, these are the ones who make the final decisions in case you need compensation and never be afraid to put these names on the line.

In my experience, the best attention I give to any client who complains to me is when they don’t do it personally, they treat me with the same respect that I have given them, they don’t get emotional and they are reasonable when trying to reach a compromise. . These types of clients with legitimate complaints will usually get a red-carpet treatment because they are not “fussing” you, simply allowing you to bring the matter to a satisfactory conclusion.

However, if after you have cleared up your complaint and you still do not feel that you are getting any satisfaction, you should address the issue with the department’s line manager. He or she will want to deal with any issues quickly, as they don’t want the complaint going to their boss. This is an aggravation that neither of them needs. This person will typically be empowered to commit to some low-level compensation, such as a full tank of gas, a free set of rugs, the next FOC service bill, or a car loan while any work is done.

Anything more than this should be referred to the brand/general manager, who is empowered to provide the customer with whatever they see fit.

In this day of dealer- and manufacturer-driven satisfaction surveys and detailed analyzes of customer experiences, there are financial incentives to keep customers satisfied, so it really is in everyone’s interest to keep you happy and to make sure you come back again.

As I used to tell all my staff: “It’s not what the problem is, but how the problem is solved.”

All businesses want the customer to come back and share positive experiences with family, friends and colleagues.

Remember that cars are made up of thousands of mechanical parts that can break at any time, so don’t think that because you paid €15,000 for a car it will never break. It is how your problem is resolved that will ultimately measure your experience.

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