Action = reaction: how to overcome the vicious circle in interpersonal relationships

About Christ it could be said that ‘he who was called by nicknames did not do so in return, he who suffered did not threaten; but he gave everything into the hands of the one who judges righteously. His are the famous words “if they slap you on one cheek, turn the other too.”

Now all of this is exactly against human (fallen) nature. We want to return the money at least in the same way. And so the revenge begins, the endless wars of words, the fights; until one of the parties backs off. Sometimes a vicious cycle arises that continues to spiral downward, ending in total disaster. For both parties it seems impossible to turn back without losing face.

Have you ever heard of the concept that nature is in balance? Animals eat each other, but nature somehow sustains itself in this vicious cycle of natural violence. It seems that even human nature (evil) with all the infighting and backbiting is somehow kept in balance. Why don’t all conflicts get out of hand? There are numerous examples of how arguments can go wrong. This is not just a merit of human common sense. As in animal life, in human nature God’s grace is active, preventing us from making life totally impossible.

And so there is a balance between suffering and causing what Christ called offenses. ‘Woe to the world because of offenses! Because offenses must come, but woe to the person through whom the offense comes (Mathematics 18.7) ”. This is not fatalism. Due to the Fall of man at the beginning of human history, the consequences must run their course. But you can decide for yourself not to let the devil use you. You can at least try to break the vicious circle by telling yourself, even showing love; overcoming evil with good.

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