Juicing and fasting: how does it work?

Juicing is one of the best ways to make your body have pure and fresh natural ingredients without putting your digestive system to the test. Juices require little digestion and allow your body to absorb valuable nutrients immediately, which is why juicing is a very effective means of fasting.

When your body becomes sluggish and lifeless, this could be a sign that there is a buildup of toxins in your system and that your body really needs a break from all the work it is doing. The typical American diet is rich in processed foods that are difficult for the body to digest and process. When the body ingests too many of these hard-to-digest foods, it begins to slow down and begins to function less efficiently. This means that there is less energy available to use, because all the energy your body can produce will work to digest food. Unless your body can catch up and become more efficient in the digestive process, the toxins that have built up can begin to cause damage to the body and cause illness. To prevent this from happening, a juice fast may be necessary. * Please note that if you have any existing health conditions, ALWAYS check with your doctor before starting anything new, including juice fasting.

The idea of ​​fasting seems a bit scary, especially since the image one conjures up when hearing the word fasting is a long and painful period without eating. This doesn’t have to be the case, nor do you need to take a ton of supplements and vitamins while depriving your body of precious nutrients. A juice fast can be as simple as giving your body a break for a day, giving your digestive system a chance to recover and become more efficient again. A day of drinking fresh juices, vegetables, and fruits will allow your digestive system, including all organs involved in the elimination process, to take a break and simultaneously give your body the necessary vitamins and nutrients to restore healthy function.

If you haven’t tried juicing before or aren’t on a diet that includes vegetables and fruits, a juice fast may be too much for your digestive system to handle all at once. You need to consider juice fast and prepare your body for this. To prepare your body, you will need to eat fruits and vegetables several times a day for at least a week. This is because extreme dietary change could cause your system to overreact. If your body is not used to vegetables and fruits, it will need time to adjust before overloading it with pure juice and nothing else for a whole day.

To start a juice fast, just wake up and get ready for the day. For breakfast, it may be optimal to try a juice made with a head of romaine lettuce, ½ lemon, 2 carrots, an apple and 4 sprigs of parsley. This will be gentle on your system, filling it with nutrients, and giving you energy to start your day. The cleansing sensation of the juice will begin immediately, encouraging you to continue throughout the day. Remember that the juice fast lasts only one day, but the benefits to your cells, your digestive system, and your organs will last for a long time.

Throughout the day remember to continue drinking water, lemon water, herbal teas, and fresh fruit and vegetable juices, nothing with added sugar or artificial. It is best to try to stick with predominantly vegetable juices, but fruits can be included in smaller amounts. The sugar in fruits is not ideal for fasting and therefore should be minimized. As you fill your day with fresh juice and plenty of water, you are filling your body with energy, nutrition, and rest! A monthly or even weekly juice fast is a healthy way to keep your body running at a high rate and a way to decrease the amount of stress and toxins that build up and release in your body. All that said, it’s a great way to take care of your body so it continues to function and take care of you!

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