Blood in Dog Feces and Urine: What Causes It?

The first thing to know is that blood in dog urine and feces can be attributed to many different causes, some of which are serious and life-threatening, while others are treatable conditions.

Parasites or worms are common in dogs and puppies. Most puppies have roundworms and need to be wormed around five weeks of age. They may also have hookworms and other types of parasites. Hookworms can also be present in adult dogs and cause blood in the dog’s feces. The hookworm attaches itself to the lining of the intestines and sucks blood for the food it needs to live, resulting in blood in the dog’s feces.

Injuries from a fight can cause internal bleeding. Possibly his dog left the yard and ran into another dog, resulting in a fight. Your dog may have sustained internal injuries that have caused bleeding and there may be blood in your dog’s stool or urine.

Prostate problems in older male dogs result in blood in the dogs urine or feces. An enlarged prostate can be caused by an infection of the glans penis or by prostate cancer.

Additional causes of blood in the urine of dogs are:

1- A blood disorder or a dog with a slow clotting blood type similar to a hemophiliac but not as severe.

2- Bladder or kidney stones.

3- It is possible that your dog has gotten into the poison that the exterminator put for the rodents. The rat and mouse type of poison causes internal bleeding and death.

4- A common infection of the uterus in females after having a litter.

5- A canine urinary tract infection.

Blood in dog urine is not to be taken lightly, so make an appointment to have it tested. It has been documented that once a dog has had an infection or urinary problem, the chances of it happening again are much higher.

Once the vet examines your dog and confirms his diagnosis of a urinary tract infection, you should discuss the type of treatment to administer. You can choose conventional antibiotic treatment that carries adverse side effects that can be more dangerous than the disease, or a natural remedy that is safe and effective.

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