Weight Loss Success Stories Before and After

Gaining weight is very easy while losing weight is very difficult and complicated. To inspire you, my dear readers, I am going to share with you before and after weight loss success stories from some of my friends. Their stories will help you get motivated to lose weight and stay […]

The great advantages of bowling shirts

There are numerous benefits to playing lawn bowls, not to mention the benefits of a team wearing bowling jerseys. So where do we start? Let’s start with the benefits of lawn bowls. The first is that it’s a very low-impact sport, but it still gets you moving, making it ideal […]

Is sugar as addictive as cocaine?

Over dinner one day someone asked me a very interesting question: Why do people crave things like donuts and candy and not life-giving, cancer-fighting foods like spinach and broccoli? I just said that’s an amazing question and I’ve asked myself many times. In fact, I also went on to say […]