The premise of fantasy football

There are many fun aspects of fantasy football that draw people to the game. The first and possibly the most important reason is that it’s free to sign up, as well as being easy to set up with your friends. All you need is an email address, several friends, and […]

Mommy, what is a book?

I remember a book that came out in 1953 called Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury about book censorship. It told the story of how books were burned to stifle intellectual freedom. It was very graphic and came out at a time when schools were trying to ban books from their […]

Baseball time is here once again

Baseball time is here once again Go see our Giants score again. Keep hitting the ball down the field. Look at those Giants and the bases they steal. We hope that the pennant will be in sight again. you Giants to the end. (Lyrics from a memory recording of Art […]