Amazon, king of disruptors

AN INTRODUCTION When it comes to disruptive technology, there is one company that reigns supreme. Amazon ($AMZN). Amazon and its trailblazing founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, are responsible for disrupting more industries than I can count on my hands, and still continuing. In this article I am going to explain […]

How does a free app make money?

The mobile app industry welcomes new ideas to expand its area. While the e-commerce industry gets a new boost with mobile apps to sell products or services more conveniently, many people get a way to generate income by creating demanding apps. An app can be used to earn money if […]

Get into the laptop

It is a fact. Laptops have leaped onto the global sales pitch with the strength and flexibility of Bruce Lee, effortlessly dispatching their desktop competitors with nothing more than a dynamic one-inch sonoma. With Wi-Fi technology flourishing all around us, the demand for laptops is only going to increase. The […]

PlayStation 4: Where are we now?

The PlayStation 4 was released in North America on November 15, 2013. About two and a half years later, the PlayStation 4 received many changes to the overall design and interface. When the console originally launched, it had a very simple user interface that was lacking in many features. Since […]

In-Vehicle Radio Performance

Drivers have had a long love affair with their car audio systems. A smooth ride and even smoother tunes are an impeccable combination. Gone are the days of static and faded car audio systems. Today’s vehicles are being designed by tech-savvy automotive engineers for HD and satellite capabilities. Advanced receiving […]

The advantages of having a webcam with a microphone

Having a computer not only makes tasks easier, it also makes communication faster and more efficient. During the early days of Internet communication, text-based communication was done through the use of email and chat. Subsequently, many chat and communication applications use the technology to transmit voice and sounds. That way, […]

6 steps to solve your problems

Steps for solving problems There are many different methods to solve our problems. Often it is not enough to simply overlook or ignore our problems… we need to solve them or they will keep resurfacing in our lives in one form or another. Most people work to solve their problems […]