Cocker Spaniel Puppies – Training Those Frisky Young Delinquents

Cocker Spaniels are active dogs even as adults. Now imagine what they would be like as puppies! They would be even more delinquent! Of course, that’s not saying it negatively. Puppies of this breed are very playful, active, and will want to explore just about anything under and over their nose!

And while this is the right time for them to play and have fun, it’s also a good time for them to start learning. Training cocker spaniel puppies should be done early. Because they are young and their personalities are still developing, you have a better chance of growing them into disciplined and happy dogs.

So where do you start? You may want to start your training with potty training or at home. During this period of time, you will be teaching your dog that it is wrong and unacceptable to urinate or defecate anywhere inside the house. If you are not sure if you can do it on your own, you can hire cocker spaniel puppy training professionals.

Then you want to show them that you are the alpha! In the wild, dogs work in groups called dog packs. In a pack, there is always one who occupies the highest position among the others. He is the alpha dog. The rest are also organized with different levels of authority.

To prevent disobedience and other behavior problems in your pup, you need to make sure he understands where you stand. Don’t feel heartbroken that this is like mistreating your puppy. That’s how it is in his world and it’s in no way derogatory to them.

In fact, a dog that is in lower authority is a very happy dog. He has less responsibility to drive and feels safe under the protection and watchful eyes of the alpha. So don’t regret it because he is happy to have you.

Another piece of advice that you should do is to exercise consistency. For example, if you teach your dog not to ask for food at dinner but your kids keep giving it food at the table, that would send mixed messages. He may not learn what you want him to learn.

Cocker spaniel puppy training will also be more effective if you are firm in disciplining your puppy. You can’t be too slow. If so, the puppy will think that his rules aren’t really strict and that it’s okay for him to break them.

You must place special emphasis on not spoiling cocker spaniel puppies. They are intelligent dogs and the impulses that youth brings will tempt a pup to test their limits. As long as he does, he just doesn’t give in and he’ll soon get the message.

So, do you find it difficult to train a cocker spaniel puppy? It does not have to be this way. Cocker spaniels are very intelligent dogs. Plus, they have this eager-to-please attitude that they’re so well known for. With those kinds of traits, they really do learn very quickly. Always remember that this is a family effort. Everyone in the house must cooperate.

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