Dog training: why you must be the alpha dog

The indisputable and universal fundamental about dog training is:

You have to be the alpha dog. If you can’t bring yourself to be the boss in your relationship with your dog, then you will have real trouble training your dog to be an obedient and loving companion. If you just want to treat him like a baby and let him do whatever he wants, he will.

But he won’t respect you!

It really is just a matter of common sense. Your dog should respect you, trust you and love you, in that order! Only then will he pay attention to you and do what you tell him, the first time and every time!

It’s easy to forget that your adorable new puppy is an animal! He’s just your new baby, isn’t he? You must remember that he does not think like you. His dog instincts are completely different. If you study a group of puppies in a litter, as soon as they are old enough to crawl, they will try to overpower each other.

Dogs are pack animals (wolves are an ideal example) and there is only one leader: the alpha male. All pack members are aware of their position in the hierarchy and will attempt to move up the order. This is why your dog should be in no doubt that you are the alpha member of the pack. If he feels that he is above you in the pack, he will ignore your commands or even try to dominate you.

Here is a typical case study: We have all seen this situation on TV. The husband, the wife, and the dog, often a fairly small dog. The dog is extremely possessive of the wife, sitting on her lap and not letting the man near him. The dog growls, barks and bites every time the husband approaches.

Why is this? Let’s get into the mind of the dog. He is convinced that he is the alpha dog, she is the alpha female, and he is protecting her from her husband, who is just another member of the pack. And the actions of humans only reinforce that conviction. Who is more to blame here?

Sorry ladies, it’s you! Does the wife push the dog off her lap and tell her to get off? No, she doesn’t because a part of her loves the fact that the dog loves her so much. Until he realizes that he is number three in that “pack” then the situation will not change, unless the man gets so tired that he gives the dog a big stick, or the ultimate solution, the dog ends up in the rescue center. . We all know that this is not the solution.

This does not mean that dog training has to involve a reign of terror. Your dog should never be afraid of you. Let’s repeat it, He Should Respect You.

The good news. There is a much easier way! Think about it, your dog depends on you for all of his needs. You provide food and shelter, exercise, affection and stimulation. He gets these how and when You decide. By manipulating the supply of these necessities, it’s easy to convince the dog that you’re in charge.

Just let him wait and give him what he wants, only when he has done what you have told him. In the above scenario, if the husband takes over the feeding duties and applies this method, the dog will soon get the message.

Food is probably the easiest example. If you let him jump on you as soon as you reach his feeding bowl, he’s the one calling the shots. But if you make him sit or lie down, at least a few feet away, until you put the plate down, he’ll soon realize who’s in charge. Of course, you must persist with this routine each and every time, and don’t give up!

Once your dog figures this out, he’ll be putty in your hands. Dogs are essentially eager to please and really enjoy the praise and rewards that come with good behavior.

A quick word here about the treats. If, during training, your dog gets a treat every time he does something right, who’s boss? Obviously, it’s important to reinforce good behavior with rewards, but it shouldn’t always be a gift. Vary the reward, from a pat to a “Good boy!” and then the occasional gift. At the end of the workout, a nice long walk can be the ultimate reward.

If you have an extended family, with children in the home, then it is even more important that the dog realizes and accepts his position in that situation. In his eyes, it’s a package, isn’t it?

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