Dragon Cross Symbolic Tattoo History

The dragon cross tattoo has long held a place in Celtic history ever since the Vikings introduced the mythological creature to the Celts. Celtic dragons often take the form of sea serpents with wings, but no legs. Celtic Dragon cross tattoos represent a dragon with its tail in its mouth, a symbol of the sacred and protected circle of life. An emblem of power, the name was given by the Druid Merlin to King Arthur’s boy, Uther Pendragon, and is the symbol carried on the shields and banners of the House of Uther Pendragon, and the national flag of Wales.

Dragon cross tattoos carry two powerful symbols from the Celtic belief system; the dragon, one of power, wisdom, vision and prophecy, the guardians of all human knowledge; the celtic cross symbolizes the four elements of nature at the points of the cross, earth, wind, fire and water, with the central circle, an endless circle of life. Dragon cross tattoos are a powerful emblem of protection and guidance from within.

When someone wears a dragon skin image, it is supposed to bring them closer to the earth’s magnetic fields and its healing powers, tapping into the purity of underground springs. The Druids believed that the body of the dragon constituted the holdings of the land, and where power was concentrated, it was sacred land, and they built stone temples in sacred shapes of circles to worship; Stonehenge is a place of power.

This tattoo is highly revered by the people of the British Isles. Wearing one brings you closer to the combined forces of the earthly and heavenly forces. The dragon tattoo is an extremely strong protective symbol, and its protective forces ward off all forms of evil, according to Celtic traditions. As the most powerful symbol of Celtic culture, it occupies a place even above the sacred rowan tree.

These designs were traditionally created using the smaller Celtic cross which has two cross beams of equal length. Today it has been incorporated using traditional cross styles such as the Maltese cross. The Maltese cross used as the background for the dragon cross tattoo is a thicker, heavier version of the Holy Cross used in religious symbolism. It can be a wonderful way to carry the inked image of a dragon cross tattoos. The addition of Celtic knots and other symbols held sacred by the Celts can be a creation of beauty and intricate detail.

This tattoo is a favorite among many who prefer tribal tattoos due to its long heritage and symbolism. Choosing a dragon cross tattoo can be the ultimate inked art experience.

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