Drama Queen Quiz: You Can Be A Drama Queen If You

There are many categorizations of men and women. No categorization is perfectly perfect and infallible. However, there is some truth to such personality type labels, so much so that it helps you know who you are dealing with.

The “Drama Queen” syndrome need not be relegated entirely to the female gender. Men can also tend towards selfishness, self-absorption and selfishness.

How do you know if you have a drama king or queen on your hands?

You can be a “Drama Queen” (or King) if…

1. Your daily complaints outweigh your gratitude.

2. You constantly have emotional outbursts every day.

3. You yell and expect people in other parts of the house (or office) to come running at your beck and call.

4. You communicate your needs and desires passionately and rarely consider those of others.

5. A bad hair day ruins your day.

6. Your dog hides in fear when you explode and lose him.

7. You are dissatisfied with the gifts you receive from people.

8. You demand that people be clean and on their best behavior in your house (or with their things), while when you are in theirs you give them no such consideration.

9. An argument with someone on the phone can send you into a tailspin with everyone else you interact with afterwards.

10. You’ve been called a perfectionist, but you’re far from perfect.

11. When your nails, hair, and appearance are a continual focal point of the conversation.

12. Budget constraints are considered “controlling.”

13. If your expenses exceed your income, you regularly bounce checks and yell at ATMs that refuse to give you money.

14. If being out of control is more important to you than practicing self-control.

15. If you want others to be nice with the use of words while you yourself are careless.

16. If manipulation is your favorite art form.

17. If you run away from confrontation and correction.

18. If you jump from one type to another in an effort to continually maintain control.

19. If using boys to get what you want is pleasurable to you.

20. Your friends call you the B_ word _ _ _ .

21. After your boyfriend buys you a bunch of new clothes, on the way out you pass another store and stop to look more.

22. Asks for gifts at a much higher price than he would pay himself when buying for others.

23. You throw things during a tantrum.

24. Relative chill for your arrival.

25. People feel that everything they do for you is never enough.

26. You emotionally drain yourself and others.

27. You cannot live and let live.

28. You should always call the shots and do things your way.

29. Being the center of attention is your main purpose.

30. Criticize regularly and encourage rarely.

31. You regularly have a meltdown during “that time of the month.”

32. You refuse to apologize and take responsibility for your words and actions.

33. You can’t forgive and you prefer to hold a grudge.

34. You blame others for your shortcomings.

35. You sidetrack constructively preferring superficial conversations.

36. You have few close friends who can really talk in your life.

37. You build walls so you don’t hear what you don’t want to hear.

38. You cut people out of your life the moment you disagree with them.

39. You hinder to overcome feelings of insecurity instead of being transparent and talking about your feelings humbly and frankly.

40. When you get what you want, you realize you don’t want what you have.

41. You are a bottomless emotional well, which means that no matter how much you get, you will never be satisfied.

42. Your craving for attention and affirmation is insatiable, while your love for yourself is minimal.

43. You are impatient and impulsive.

44. You reject the very people you would most benefit from attracting into your life.

45. You judge by outward appearance instead of looking inside a person’s mind and heart.

46. ​​Fashion is a big part of your self-image, without which you would feel inferior as a person.

47. You compare yourself to others instead of being happy.

48. Much more attention is paid to the outside than to your inner world and personal development as a person.

49. What you project outward is more important to you than what you have inward.

50. You consider moments of selfishness simply as self-actualization and personal fulfillment.

51. You serve yourself before others.

52. You are quick to speak and slow to hear.

53. You dominate conversations and rarely listen.

54. Life’s difficulties and challenges easily demoralize you.

55. You demonize people who disagree with you.

56. You seek to be understood before striving to understand others.

57. You get angry easily.

58. You sulk sadly when you don’t get your way.

59. You try to read between the lines to the point of extracting meaning and jumping to conclusions that are not justified or based on fact.

60. You expect more from others than you give from yourself.

61. You don’t manage time. Time controls you.

62. You skip meals to look good, when you could eat well to feel good.

63. You pay close attention to the latest trends in Hollywood.

64. You have numerous parking and speeding tickets, which you have not yet paid.

65. You don’t hesitate to make demands and give ultimatums.

66. You judge others by their actions and yourself by your intentions.

67. You do not control your moods and emotions.

68. You take advantage of your good looks to get everything you want.

69. You care more about appearance than character.

70. You practice a “take it and leave it” philosophy.

We all like attention and affirmation, which is by no means wrong. However, some yearn for it and manifest it more blatantly than others. Selfishness and insecurity are essentially the underlying motives in dramatic types of attention seeking.

Self-actualization and preservation are basic human instincts. By no means are such innate tendencies bad. However, when we wait for the world to revolve around us, we often push away those we value and need most.

Dramatic types on the other hand can be quite funny. They can add expression, laughter, affection and action to our dull, dull and monotonous everyday life. Adventure and the unexpected is something we all desire at some point. A balanced dose of these can certainly add dynamism to our lives.

However, an excessive and authoritarian dramatic imbalance can destabilize us and drive us crazy. May God help you, therefore, to find the right balance in your own personal life and, at the same time, to achieve relational harmony with the person you love.

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