How can I locate family members with DNA testing?

Genealogy has opened its doors to connect more and more people. With new types of DNA tests available to the public, it is now possible to locate family members with DNA! Yes that’s how it is! It is now possible to look up the last name in a DNA database and locate relatives with DNA. Modern technologies and advances in genealogy have taken DNA testing to heights never before imagined. Whether it’s tracing your roots or finding out more about your ancestry, you’re sure to find a DNA test to suit your needs.

Genealogy is the study of determining the roots of an individual. When all forms of record searching and research into family documents fail, DNA testing is the best way to go. In fact, DNA testing is the best way to find out the genetic or descendant genealogical connection. If you want to find out your ancestral roots, it’s a good idea to have DNA tests not only on yourself but on as many members of your family as possible. Proof of kinship is an important part of discovering ancestors. In fact, the more people in your family who can get tested, the better the chances of success.

Testing to locate family members is easy and can be done at home, although it is better to go to a private center that offers such services. The tests will provide accurate results regarding the person’s ethnic heritage, family history, and ancestral history. The tests may even have the ability to discover new relatives and family members that one never knew existed. Basically, there are two types of tests available to people who want to locate family members with DNA testing. They are described as follows:

mtDNA tests: This is the test that helps determine a person’s maternal ancestry. The cytoplasms present in every cell in the human body contain mitochondria. Mitochondria either remain unchanged or change very slowly and are passed down from generation to generation, though only from mother to child, male or female. So the mtDNA of you and your mother is the same, while the mtDNA of your mother and your grandmother are the same. mtDNA does not pass from father to son. The mtDNA test can be used successfully to locate family members with DNA.

Y Line Tests: This test helps determine the paternal side of a person. In fact, it is done only in males. The reason for this is that the Y chromosome is only passed down from generation to generation by males. Shared markers on the Y chromosome line indicate a close relationship between two people. Y-line tests are also frequently used to prove paternity claims.

Genealogists are busy conducting constant research in the field of genealogy to discover more and more ways to locate family members with DNA.

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