How can you make money with social networks?

Every sensible business owner today should have a social media marketing strategy. The real secret of success is being able to earn money with your followers on social networks.

At the end of the day, you’re in business to make money, not just to consistently post free content.

Take advantage of Facebook options

With more than two billion users on Facebook each month, this is the best place to start generating income from your followers on social media. Your Facebook fan page should reflect who you are and why it is worth doing business. You should take full advantage of the special features that Facebook offers, including:

  • The Like button
  • Contact us button
  • Email registration tab
  • Center
  • Events (edit)

Give obvious calls to action, like,
“Click the Like button to stay up to date with the latest news” gold, ”
Click the Contact Us button and we will be happy to answer your questions. “

Encourage engagement

Encourage people to like, comment, and share your posts. This will maximize your messages about your business, and more traffic probably means more money. You can do this on most social media, not just Facebook.

Promote your account to get followers

Facebook allows you to advertise your profile to get more likes and followers. You can do the same on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and more.

Boost your best posts

Check your Facebook stats and find the content that is getting the most engagement. Then turn them into an ad by boosting the post. It should have a link that they can click to get more information. Focus on the audience carefully so that your enhanced post shows up to people interested in your market.

Produce ads from scratch

Creating a Facebook ad from scratch on Facebook will take a little longer, but will give you more control. You will need to:

  • A nice picture
  • An eye-catching headline
  • An intriguing description
  • A URL to send them to take action, like subscribe or buy now.

Market on YouTube

YouTube is one of the top five sites in the world and the best video sharing site. Develop how-to videos and helpful content. Include a call to action to subscribe to your list or to buy a product.


Research has found that Pinterest users are 80% female and that at least half of them purchase products they see on the site. Starting a business account on Pinterest instead of a personal account offers a number of benefits. Pinterest provides business owner analytics, purchase buttons on pins, and other useful business tools.


Instagram is all about images and videos. Use hashtags to promote your products. Instagram Stories are sent to all of your followers, but they are only there for one day and then they disappear. These are a great way to post flash sales and specials that can help you make money fast.

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