How important are your presentation skills in your career advancement?

Do you think the ability to speak effectively is important in your career? Whatever your job, whether it’s working for someone else or starting your own company, presentation skills today are at the top of the ladder when it comes to business. And you have the internet to thank for that.

Video conferencing, webinars, teleconferences, and workshops are on the rise, even with our ‘slow’ economy, as some might call it. People want answers and they want them yesterday. As a result, we are getting more and more information from the Internet.

While it may not seem relevant to you right now, it could be in your future because our careers are changing faster than ever in the past. Layoffs, unemployment and downsizing mean many more people are starting their own businesses or looking for jobs online. Even interviews can be handled today by means of a video-chat or a video-conference.

Speaking effectively could be your greatest asset since your competition often has the same education and/or experience as you. If the potential employer must decide between two candidates who are the same in most areas but one has better presentation skills, who do you think will get the job?

Now let’s look at the image from a slightly different perspective. If there are two candidates and one has a slightly better education or has a little more experience but lacks your ability to speak effectively, who do you think will get the job? Unless the candidate is hired to work in a research lab and does not communicate with the outside world, chances are high that the one whose presentation skills are strong will win that race!

Another scenario could be a contract. Those who can sell themselves make the best sellers and also get the most contracts. If your presentation skills are lacking, then your chances of closing the deal are definitely not as good as the person whose communication or presentation skills dwarf yours. A letter in the post is not the way business works today. People want to see and hear from those with whom they are considering doing business.

There are several things you can do to improve. Taking a public speaking course or joining Toastmasters are two considerations in addition to voice training. Don’t let poor presentation skills keep you from achieving the success you’re looking for.

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