Importance of education in values

Seven sins: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morals, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle.

-Mahatma Gandhi

In case you believe that the great social problems are beyond your reach, consider this story: God told me: Your task is to build a better world. I replied: How can I do that? The world is such a big, so vast, so complicated place now, and I am so small and useless. There is nothing I can do. But God in his great wisdom said: Just build a better person.

– anonymous

Moral values ​​present a true perspective of the development of any society or nation. They tell us to what extent a society or nation has developed. Values ​​are virtues, ideals and qualities on which actions and beliefs are based. Values ​​are guiding principles that shape our vision, attitudes, and conduct of the world. However, values ​​are innate or acquired. Innate values ​​are our innate divine virtues such as love, peace, happiness, mercy, and compassion, as well as positive moral qualities such as respect, humility, tolerance, responsibility, cooperation, honesty, and simplicity.

Acquired values ​​are those external values ​​adopted in their “place of birth” or “place of growth” and

they are influenced by the immediate environment. Examples of acquired values ​​are the way you dress, the way you bless yourself, cultural customs, traditions, habits, and trends.

The main causes of moral degeneration are:

– Lack of respect for the sanctity of human life.

– Breakdown of parental control of children in families

– Lack of respect for authority, seen through blatant violation of the law and

Total disregard for rules and regulations

– Crime and corruption

– Alcohol and drug abuse

– Abuse of women, children and other vulnerable members of society.

– Lack of respect for other people and property.

To solve all these type problems it is necessary to know the main causes of the previous problems. We know that the children of today are the citizens of tomorrow. If we give the children of today a good education, the future of the next generations will be good. My opinion education is the solution to all kinds of problems. We now live in the modern century. If we use science and technology properly, it is not difficult for us to solve all the problems of non-moral and valuable things. The main object of the study is to instill moral and values-based education in schools and colleges and to know the attitude of intermediate-level students towards moral values. Gandhiji advised the inmates of Sabarmati Ashram to practice the following values ​​in his day:

current life:

1. Ahimsa

2. Do not steal

3. No possession

4. Swadeshi

5. Manual work

6. Boldness

7. Truth

8. Chastity

9. Equality of religion

10. Elimination of untouchability

11. Palate control

Important goals in life and personal characteristics:

Life goals and personal characteristics are very necessary for all types of people in society.

Life goals:

– A world in peace (free of wars and conflicts)

– Freedom (independence, free choice)

– Wisdom (a mature understanding of life)

– Happiness (satisfaction)

– An exciting life (an active and stimulating life)

– Equality (brotherhood, equal opportunities for all)

– A comfortable life (a prosperous life)

– Self-esteem (self-esteem, feeling good about yourself)

– Salvation (religiously saved, eternal life)

– Mature love (sexual and spiritual intimacy)

– Social recognition (respect, admiration)

– A sense of accomplishment (I have made a lasting contribution)

– Family safety (taking care of loved ones)

– True friendship (close companionship)

– A world of beauty (beauty of nature and the arts)

– Inner harmony (freedom from inner conflict)

– Pleasure (a pleasant and relaxed life)

– National security (protection against attacks)

Personal characteristics:

– Self-controlled (think first, moderate, self-disciplined)

– Honest (sincere, truthful, revealing)

– Affectionate (affectionate, tender, affectionate)

– Ambitious (worker, aspirant)

– Alegre (cheerful, cheerful)

– Responsible (trustworthy, trustworthy)

– Independent (self-sufficient, sufficient)

– Broad-minded (open-minded, able to see other points of view)

– Courteous (courteous, polite)

– Forgiving (willing to forgive others)

– Intellectual (intelligent, thoughtful, knowledgeable)

– Useful (working for the welfare of others)

– Obedient (obedient, respectful)

– Capable (competent, effective, skilled)

– Logical (coherent, rational, aware of reality)

– Clean (neat, tidy)

– Imaginative (daring, creative)

– Brave (defending your beliefs, strong)

Hogan (1973) believes that moral behavior is determined by five factors: (1) Socialization: becoming aware as a child of the rules of conduct of society and parents to be good. (2) Moral

Judgment: learning to think reasonably about our own ethics and deliberately decide for ourselves.

moral standards. (3) Moral feelings: the internalization of our moral beliefs to the extent that we feel shame and guilt when we do not do what we “should”. (4) Empathy: awareness of the situation, feelings and needs of other people so that one is forced to help those in need. (5) Trust and knowledge: know the steps necessary to help others and believe that one is responsible and capable of helping.

Today we face so many problems such as terrorism, poverty and the problem of the population. It is necessary to instill moral values ​​in the curriculum. Education is an effective weapon. Education is a weapon, the effect of which depends on who is holding it, its hands, and to whom it is directed. (Joseph Stalin)

Curricular activities:

Due to liberalization, industrialization and globalization, rapid changes are taking place in almost all the social sciences. You must know the value they have and their attitudes according to the changes today are producing great changes in education. India’s so-called philosophical foundations are declining day by day with the country in a state of social turmoil, the aims and functions of formal education need to be reassessed and updated. Through education we can change the world.

– Giving a place to moral values ​​in the curriculum.

– Moral values ​​can be explained through stories and illustrations.

– Through poetry, novels and stories we can instill moral values ​​in students.

– Role play of a good story in the lesson.

– Educate students through posters, advertisements and skits; those are all apart

in the curriculum.

– By introducing a course on moral values ​​as part of your Master’s in Development


– Give training courses to students for the development of moral values ​​in society.

– Educating citizens through direct contact by creating local offices throughout the religion.

– First of all educate women in society. The mother is the first teacher. Motivate all women

learn about moral values ​​through special courses such as “Gandhian Studies”.





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