Indifference relationship and the breakdown of a relationship

Indifference in relationships is the true sign that a relationship is over. Relationships can go through stormy times: disagreements, friends, financial stress, family illness can all test the fiber of a relationship. When a relationship has survived hard times, what holds it together?

In those situations, love continues even though it is difficult to be heard. The couple is still interested in each other; there is a part of their lives that keeps them focused on a shared life together.

Friends and family may wonder why the couple still makes it through thick and thin. Outsiders may look on with admiration or a tinge of envy that these people successfully stick together.

indifference vs. Love/Relationship Conflicts

A common expression is “love can turn to hate; hate can turn to love.” What does that really mean?

It certainly doesn’t mean there aren’t people who hate you. It also doesn’t mean that you can convince those people to love you. It also doesn’t mean you should waste time trying.

What it does mean is that conflict can be mixed with the expression of love. Love can be expressed as passion, affection, commitment, appreciation, consideration, etc.

However, the expression of love becomes confused when frustration, disappointment, fear or insecurity take over a relationship. These inherent feelings of conflict can cause a breakup and linger after the breakup. It can take many months for those feelings to lessen in power.

Conflict can bring the two of you together
(But life is too short)

As long as these conflicting feelings of love persist, the person cannot remain indifferent. Even though your ex has decided to leave you, it doesn’t mean that those feelings have left him.

He can loudly and forcefully declare that he is over you. He can even badmouth you to anyone who is interested. As long as the inner conflict persists, he is not above you. The conflict itself can keep pushing you back. When this happens there is an opportunity.

When indifference occurs, the conflict in the relationship no longer has the power to push you back. Although your ex may be polite and even nice, he just won’t be interested in getting back together. You will not be able to convince him in any way so that he comes back to you. He really will have decided it’s over.

We all want the best for our life. Romantic relationships are among the most important. No matter how well romantic relationships start out, they can go wrong in many ways.

I may have left you. You may have left it. No matter what has happened in his own personal history, he can still feel like it’s not over. And you know, it would be better for both of us to get back together.

After all the harsh words spoken and all the hurtful actions, how do you handle this? How do I contact him? When I do it? What about sexual reconnection? Dating another guy when I still want to get back together with my ex? Not talk to him at all?

All this requires clarity. You have to be clear about the best ways to rebuild your relationship. If you make a mistake at any stage, it will completely destroy your chances of getting your ex back.

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