Is erectile dysfunction the end of your sex life?

Erectile dysfunction can happen to men of any age, although its prevalence increases with age. Various studies have shown that approximately 9% of men under the age of 40 are affected by erectile dysfunction. This increases to 13% for men in their 40s and 50s, and 33% for men in their 50s and 60s. After the age of 60, the prevalence reaches 50% and more.

Studies have also shown that only about 11% of men with ED have received any treatment, and of these, only 18.6% reported having ED all the time.

But no matter how old you are, having ED doesn’t mean your sex life is over., regardless of how stressed you may be right now. Although the problem may seem embarrassing and humiliating, you should treat erectile dysfunction as you would any other problem: acknowledge it, and then implement the appropriate solution. Here are the steps you need to take to overcome your erectile dysfunction and get back to a healthy sex life:

Step 1: Acknowledge that you have a problem, and tackle it head on. Denying that you have a problem or pretending it doesn’t exist will only make the problem worse, especially if you’re in a long-term relationship, because of the effect this will have on your partner. The most important thing is to discuss the problem openly and honestly with your partner, and to make them feel at ease. Women often tend to blame themselves, thinking that they are no longer desirable or that they have done something wrong. This can seriously affect your partner’s self-esteem and should be avoided at all costs. Ultimately, the longer the issue goes unaddressed, the greater the impact it will have on your relationship. But if you act early, you have every chance to return to a healthy and fulfilling sex life with your partner.

Step 2 – Determine if your erectile dysfunction has a psychological or physiological basis. The younger you are, the more likely the cause is psychological, and the older you are, the more likely the problem is due to physiological causes. Consult a doctor or urologist, who will perform various tests, such as cholesterol, hormone levels, blood sugar, liver and kidney function. These tests will indicate if there is an underlying physical condition that is interfering with your normal erectile function. When there are no underlying physical conditions, this indicates that there are no physical problems preventing you from achieving and maintaining healthy erections, and that your erectile dysfunction is due to psychological causes.

Step 3 – Seek counseling with a trained therapist if your erectile dysfunction is due to psychological causes (such as depression, relationship problems, low self-esteem or performance anxiety). There are many qualified doctors, psychologists, and sex therapists who can help you with these issues and can work with you individually or as a couple to set realistic expectations, improve communication, and resolve any unresolved relationship issues.

Step 4: Get plenty of rest and exercise. Exercise will not only increase your circulation, but it is a great stress killer and is known to have a positive impact on depression. One of the many benefits of exercise is that it releases endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” chemicals.

Step 5: Adopt healthy lifestyles if your erectile dysfunction is due to physiological causes (such as reduced blood flow to the penis or nerve damage as a result of some types of surgery). Invariably, poor circulation is due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, excess dietary cholesterol, and smoking. Erectile dysfunction due to physiological causes can also be an indication of more serious problems, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and therefore should be taken seriously.

A comprehensive discussion of different lifestyle choices is beyond the scope of this article, but generally speaking, you should focus on your cardiovascular health. A healthy cardiovascular system means a healthy heart, which means high levels of good (HDL) cholesterol, low levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol, good circulation, and clear, unclogged arteries. All of this is vital to fighting erectile dysfunction, because being able to achieve a healthy erection depends on your heart being able to pump enough blood through your arteries to your penis.

To achieve a healthy heart, you must adopt a healthy lifestyle, and this means exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. Your diet should consist of plenty of fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains, and lean protein, and should be low in fat and bad cholesterol. Regular exercise will stimulate circulation and help further reduce cholesterol levels. Your exercise regimen should include cardiovascular exercises, as well as some strength training, which will help increase your testosterone levels. And you can do specific pelvic exercises (Kegel), which will tone your pelvic muscles.

Erectile dysfunction is not a terminal illness, and following all of these tips will ensure that you have stronger erections and can maintain an active and healthy sex life.

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