My experience with the citronella anti-bark collar for dogs

The citronella barking collar for dogs has received many reviews highlighting that this type of collar has a higher success rate than other barking collars for dogs to help stop excessive barking quickly. At the end of the day, the collar is just a device and such a device will require extra effort on your part to achieve the best possible results.

This is my experience with the Citronella anti-bark collar for dogs.

After receiving the collar, I was very eager to get started, but after reading the instructions, I was advised to leave the collar off, but apply it to the dog for a couple of days to get the dog used to wearing it. I was very frustrated because I really needed to quickly resolve my dog’s barking problem. It is in my nature to be patient and, after careful consideration, I managed to restrain myself and follow the advice.

A couple of days passed and my dog ​​had enough time to get comfortable in his new citronella barking collar, it was time to get started and see if this baby really worked. I lit the necklace with great expectation and waited and waited and waited. Would you believe it It took a good 90 minutes before my dog ​​barked, it was worth the wait. As soon as he barked, his head was overwhelmed by a small blast of mist from his neck. My dog ​​gave a sudden jump and his bark was interrupted as he remained perplexed and confused by what had just happened to him. It certainly got him thinking and even more so the next time he barked, only this time he didn’t even give a full bark as the citronella dog barking collar let out another blast of spray.

It only took a couple of blasts of spray to shut my little one up and it certainly made him think twice about whether he should try another bark or not. I can say that I am amazed at how fast the citronella barking collar for dogs worked, on the other hand my guy is a very fast learner and I can’t say that everyone will get results as fast as this one as all dogs are different. .

It’s been 2 months since I got the Citronella Anti-Bark Collar and I haven’t even used a full spray refill yet and to top it all the battery is still ready to go. To be honest, the necklace hasn’t been as busy as I expected and I still wear it to this day.

I do not leave the collar on the dog permanently and never ask him to wear it overnight. I use it more now in a controlled way where I know of situations where my dog ​​is more prone to barking. Once he stops barking where I would expect him to, I trick him by taking the collar apart and he seems to have clicked on the concept of not barking at times when he normally barks.

The citronella dog barking collar has definitely helped me train my dog ​​to learn that there is a certain point when his barking is acceptable and when it is not. I like the Citronella Barking Collar for Dogs because it provides a painless solution to excessive barking and is the most humane method accepted by most dog owners. It was very inexpensive and required little to no maintenance work.

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