My space is out of place, it looks like a shoe box!

When we are disorganized, it makes a statement. It tells others of who we really are. Some people can’t help being disorganized, it’s their nature. That’s what they think! Just as we can be taught to do something, we can also be taught to do something. Being organized takes steps. Small steps!

Don’t try to do a great job all at once. The work or homework will not be completed. Small areas, like bathrooms or closets, need the most cleaning and constant changes. Smaller spaces need the most attention because they have a high volume of inbound and outbound traffic.

Start with the smallest area of ​​your life first. It could be a closet. Organize your closet with the seasons. For the spring season, prepare your closet space with only spring and summer clothes. Save the fall and winter. We want to organize the shoes in the same way. With hats and scarves, hang your scarves in their own area in the closet. Put the hats in hat boxes. Try not to put anything in your closet that is not being used. This creates disorder. Once we master the small spaces, we are ready for larger areas of our lives.

With closet space, we want to eliminate things that are not used. Make life easier. Let’s clean up and make life easier! Life isn’t supposed to be complicated! It’s supposed to be fun! There is more to life than cleaning all the time. When we learn to organize different spaces, we don’t have to spend a lot of time cleaning but managing. We are mostly frustrated with our lives simply because there is too much clutter! We can control the organization when we learn to be good stewards of what we own.

Some vehicles look like the owners live in them! This is another area that can be kept clean and organized. Keep the restaurant paper out of the seats by throwing out the fast food paper after use. The car has cooler air hanging in the rear view mirror, but the car is not clean. The car is washed on the outside but the inside is not clean! Cars must be kept clean. They drive better when maintained.

The simplest areas of our lives are the most polluted in our lives! Clean it up and live without clutter. Now!

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