Take care of your dog with kennel plans

If you have been worried that your dog will annoy your neighbors with his constant barking and periodic excursions to your lawn, kennel plans are the perfect solution. A kennel will also ensure that her pet does not get lost on the street and will also provide her with a […]

Basic differences between investment options!

After spending decades in the financial services industry, and for more than four decades in leadership, consulting, personal development, and other planning-related areas, as well as more than 15 years as a licensed real estate salesperson, in In New York State, I have come to, I firmly believe, that a […]

LLC Vs Sole Proprietorship: Which Is Right For You?

Most small business owners in the United States operate as sole proprietors, the default business entity. While this may work for some businesses for some time, it does not create any legal separation between your business and your personal assets. You’ll face both the risk of lawsuits and the potential […]

Snowboard Tech – Magnetaction!

A couple of years ago, Lib Tech (Mervin Manufacturing) snowboards introduced some new proprietary technology to some of their boards. It was an outrageous idea to create oscillating edges with the possibility of more edge control, and they called their creation “magnetraction”. It was a huge success for Lib Tech […]