Let go of the mental money of your home

As a professional real estate agent, it seems that when I visit someone about their home, they always have the value of their home in mind. The value is invariably that of the market peak. So, for example, if at peak your home would have sold for $1 million, but […]

spring break negril jamaica

When it comes to planning that perfect vacation, let’s not forget the planning that college students do every year too. This means planning your spring break. There are some students who cannot afford to vacation anywhere outside of the United States. But there are also those who can afford to […]

miss brick house

At nineteen, in 1975, I was selling advertising for the OSU college newspaper, The Lantern, and submitting stories and getting published in the “fringe” student paper: Our Choking Times. The one where I earned his respect as a budding radical, then flew over the lines of professionalism to date Gil […]

Easton Air Hockey Table Review

An air hockey table may be the most important addition and centerpiece to your family’s recreation space, and as such, you’ll want to purchase an Easton air hockey table. Playcraft Easton Air Hockey Tables have a very minimalist clean style that will keep your playing space neat and organized. Easton […]

Car repair and maintenance tips

Auto repair costs can really put a damper on your budget. However, there are easy ways to keep your car running smoothly so you can stay out of the body shop. Changing fluids often, keeping up with routine maintenance, and driving safely can extend the life of your vehicle. There […]