Secrets to High Kill – Modern Warfare 2 Kill Rates

Modern Warfare 2 offers so much more to gamers around the world than they could have ever imagined. According to statistics, millions of players have been found enjoying this game, be it in standalone single player mode, capture the flag or in online deathmatches. The online ‘capture the flag’ stages are impressive and many times you can find yourself enjoying the game for 5 or 6 hours straight. It is addictive and you will want to play it non-stop until you get over it and have conquered all the missions.

What most players find the most attractive is the online match with each other, where each player tries their best to get the most kills and the fewest kills in their history. This summary focuses on sharing how the goal of high death per death rates could be achieved.

Before continuing, let’s first check that a death ratio (K: D) refers to the number of people the player kills for each death he encounters himself. So having a high K: D ratio means that you are either really that good or maybe your opponents are really that bad. K: D ratios measure how well you do in each game. Every time their deaths outnumber their deaths, you are doing something good for your team. On the other hand, if you constantly find yourself dying rather than killing, you are a drag on your team and you are not helping them win.

The best way to increase your death kills rate is to start by determining your own game style. Analyze your guts and strategies. What do you do best? Are you a camper, a boogie, a guerilla strategist, a secret sniper or a rhythm player? Do you like to run fast looking for people who are camping? You better make sure you’re a good target and make your first shot count! Rhythm players like these must make use of perks like lightweight, marathon, submachine guns, assault rifles, and choose to lead players from their respective classes.

Campers, on the other hand, should try to find hidden spaces, corners, and blind spots where they can sit with a firm posture. Effective snipers use silencers and perks like Cold Blooded and Ninja that reduce any noise from them and effectively remove them from radar. However, if you’re shooting and not using a silencer or cold bloodedness, your enemy likely knows where you are and you better move somewhere else … soon. Therefore, campers who want to increase their K: D ratios should select more than one of those locations and sneak between multiple locations throughout each game.

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