Sleep schedules: how to get my 9-month-old to sleep

“How do I put my 9 month old to sleep” is a question many often ask. When a baby reaches the age of 9 months, there is a lot of physical and mental growth. There’s the growth, then the growth of the taste buds, there’s also the height increase of about 10 inches or so.

A baby, not every baby, but on average, a 9-month-old baby can stand up and can try to take steps.

These developments distract the baby, so his sleep schedule is often thrown out of order. They may stay awake all night and sleep in the morning or during the day. Don’t wonder how to get my 9 month old to sleep, follow this guide.

There are certain things you can measure with your 9-month-old and progress his sleep schedule from there.
â— The baby should take naps at least 2-3 times a day.
â— The gap between each nap is around 2.5 to 3.5 hours.
â— Baby’s bedtime should be around 6:30 – 8 pm.
â— Your 9-month-old needs at least 13-15 hours of sleep a day.
â— Your 9-month-old could sleep through the night in a crib without feeding.

Before you focus on making a daily schedule for your baby, you should keep these things in mind. Now how can you make sure your baby is at least 13-15 hours old.

â— Fixed schedule:

A baby may fight bedtime or perhaps start crying even if your schedule is hectic. Make sure your nine-month-old has a set schedule.

Make sure they get their breakfast, lunch, and dinner on time. Your naps should be punctual. Three times a day. They should also have time to play so they can develop motor skills.

â— Relaxing bedtime:

A baby should have a good bedtime. A relaxing bath and then always massage your baby with baby oils as her body will relax and the muscles will loosen up quite nicely.

Be sure to put on a nice soft lullaby as it will help the baby relax. The whole purpose of the bedtime routine is to relax the baby so she can get sleepy.

Since a nine-month-old baby is often teething, this routine should be done on a daily basis, so that it also takes stress and pain away from the baby. This part is very important for the question that many ask, how to make my 9-month-old baby sleep?

Many new parents often think that it doesn’t matter if the baby sleeps early at night or late at night, as long as he gets enough sleep.

This is certainly bad for the baby. All babies have this time, often referred to as a “sweet spot,” when they will fall asleep easily. When they are lulled, if you put them to sleep as soon as possible, the baby will sleep very well at night.

Your nine-month-old baby needs to sleep from 6:30 am to 8:00 pm at the latest. Night sleep is very important for everyone, especially babies.

Sleep regression often occurs in babies 8 to 10 months old, as they are developing very fast.

This development can cause sleep disruptions, but there’s not much to worry about as these regressions will slow down and you can always help your baby by keeping a good schedule. Hopefully this guide helped you answer the infamous question of how to get my 9 month old to sleep.

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