Testing your water well

When people move into a house, where the source of the water is well water, they are responsible for having the water tested regularly for purity.

Here are some ways to do this:

Option No. 1: They can buy a DIY test kit. Prices for these kits start from a few dollars and can run into the hundreds of dollars. It depends on the parameters being tested.

Option No. 2: You can coordinate with your local health department to find out how to collect a water sample for a professional laboratory to analyze.

How extensive should the test be? This depends on the requirements of your state and locality.

For example, Florida recommends testing your water for nitrates and bacteria once a year. However, some may be qualified to undergo extensive testing at no charge, depending on where they live. It is best to check with your local health department for their recommendations.

According to the research, the water would be better off undergoing more than a basic test and testing it for pesticides, heavy metals, and inorganic compounds once they move.

They will only have to pay an additional amount up front to find out which pollutants need to be removed. With different water filtration systems varying in quality, homeowners may not need this information when deciding on one.

The problem of excess minerals

Well water can contain many specific minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and sulfur, among others, depending on the natural composition of the soil.

Several of these minerals can negatively affect your home’s plumbing and fixtures, as well as the taste of water, hair, and worse, health.

Some may wonder how it affects hair.

For example, well water in a house, where people have just moved in, has an excess of copper. Although this is an essential mineral, it can cause some health problems when consumed in large quantities.

This imbalance is discovered when the hair (and water accessories) of people who used this water had a slightly greenish tint.

Certainly these people who live here will be concerned.

When they discovered the cause, the water leaked and their hair color returned to normal.

Minerals can be beneficial to health. Some people even pay more for multimineral supplements, mineral water, and wheatgrass injections.

However, when the water has an excess of a specific mineral, the water can taste or smell unpleasant and this can even cause health problems.

For example, too much iron in iron makes the water taste like metal (and makes sinks and faucets rust) while too much sulfur makes the water smell like bad eggs.

Too many minerals in water can cause bad hair days, unpleasant water odor, some health problems, and the most common of all, hard water, which results from calcium build-up.

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