"The boy who came back from heaven" – A remarkable and true story of a child’s amazing experience

“The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven” is the true story of six-year-old Alex Malarkey, who was involved in a terrible car accident with his father Kevin in November 2004. Although Kevin was thrown (or carried, according to Alex) from the vehicle was basically unharmed. Alex, however, suffered an “internal decapitation” – his skull was no longer attached to his spine and he was not expected to survive. No one could predict (and not everyone will believe it), how this young man would amaze his doctors and all those who knew him or would come into contact with him.

Immediately after the accident Alex, although unconscious, is very aware of his surroundings. He would remain in a coma for almost two months, but when he “woke up” he would relate details of the accident scene that he would have had no way of knowing. Some of these details occurred AFTER Alex had been placed in a helicopter and airlifted to the nearest hospital.

If Alex survived, his parents, Kevin and Beth, were told that he would never be able to eat, speak, swallow or breathe on his own. He was also a quadriplegic and the possibility of a serious brain injury was almost certain, meaning that his mental capacity would be extremely limited. Given this information, Beth confidently told the doctor “You are wrong.” From the moment of the accident, the power of prayer and the intervention of angels, Jesus, and even God, would take over and ultimately result in a very different result than what medical science can explain.

From the paramedic at the scene of the accident to complete strangers later on, Alex is the focus of a prayer cycle that is set up with people constantly praying for Alex in his room. This prayer cycle grows and there are literally hundreds of people (later thousands) involved not only in prayer, but also in helping Kevin and Beth with their three other children and the growing list of changes that occur in their lives every day. Their faith and the faith of others keeps them going, though Kevin admits there were times (and still are) when that faith was put to the test. The support and strength they receive from strangers keeps them active even today, and perhaps this book is their way of coming to thank those whom it would be impossible to thank otherwise.

By slowly regaining consciousness, Alex learns to communicate with his eyes and the corner of his mouth. These were the only things that he initially had control over. She eventually learns to speak and tells her mother about some amazing incidents that happened to her at the time of the accident. He remembers the accident and seeing his father get out of the car and be placed in the ditch by five angels. He tells his mother that the devil was there, and the devil told him that it was his fault that the accident happened and that his dad was dead.

Alex “saw” all of this from outside his body, and tells his mom that Jesus was there with him taking care of him. Over the next few months, Alex recounts other things that happened to him, things that a six-year-old would have a hard time knowing or even imagining. Alex tells his parents that he talked to Jesus and to God, and describes heaven to them as best he can. He talks about the angels who visit him, and he even talks about hell, which is a hole in the sky. Although this would be unbelievable to most, Alex’s parents are convinced that he is telling the truth, and others who know Alex are convinced as well.

It would be easy to pass Alex’s experiences as something similar to other near-death explanations, yet it differs from any other I’ve ever heard of. It talks about entering the gates of heaven and talking to Jesus and God. He describes angels with six wings, not two as most children imagine them, and readily admits that there are some things that he cannot describe and others that he is not allowed to count.

The book is written by Kevin and Alex together. Kevin mentions multiple times that he doesn’t care whether or not someone believes what he has witnessed, yet he offers proof of the remarkable progress Alex has made, against the impossible odds of survival. Alex often repeats that he is a normal child and that what has happened to him has more to do with God, Jesus and heaven than with him. Today Alex is able to breathe without a respirator, speak, learn on a computer, and move around in a chin-operated wheelchair. He still has a long way to go, but in my opinion he has a lot of help on his side, and the most important help of all: God.

Whether or not you believe in God, Jesus, or angels, this book is an extraordinary story about a six-year-old boy who faced a devastating turn of events. His courage and outlook on life despite all the difficulties he has faced is inspiring no matter what his beliefs are. The jacket cover says it’s a true story, and I think it is.

“The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven” Authors – Kevin and Alex Malarkey

Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. ISBN 978-1-4143-3606-0

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