The Dr. Phil Showdown – Speed ​​Seduction VS Mystery Method

On a recent episode of Dr. Phil, he invited the founders of Love Systems (previously known as The Mystery Method) and Ross Jeffries (founder of Speed ​​Seduction) to talk about his business, techniques for picking up women, and basically giving everyone a idea of ​​what it is about.

Dr. Phil seemed non-confrontational, given his show’s target demographic and the fact that the episode was titled “Beware of Women”, and he liked learning about meeting women about the fact that women wear pushup bras, makeup and they take a long time. to work on your appearance. If women can take steps to make themselves more attractive, why shouldn’t men learn the same?

The Mystery Method guys defended their method, stating that people have to learn a good way to get close. If the way you start a conversation is boring and uncreative, then chances are you’ll tune out and the girl won’t have a chance to get to know you. The two women on the show said that the Mystery Method techniques were really interesting and appealed to them, and that they were very different from what they were used to hearing and approaching (drunken guys and sleazy guys).

Then Ross Jeffries came in and Dr. Phil seemed to be more aggressive towards him, perhaps because the image he portrays in his advertising is misogynistic. But Jeffries has always claimed that the way to draw attention to his product is through really frank and offensive locker room talk, while the actual tone of the product is much more positive. Jeffries commented that the producers of Dr. Phil do the same thing, taking the most provocative clips from the shows for people to watch (but this rebuttal was cut from the show). He also attacked the Mystery Method company, saying they teach techniques that are destructive to a woman’s self-esteem and can have long-term negative repercussions.

Actually, despite the fact that there is a lot of negative press surrounding these two groups and the idea of ​​guys learning how to pick up women, and the fact that competitive seduction gurus often bicker with each other, the fact is that underneath all this there are some good common sense ideas. Both methodologies (Mystery Method and Speed ​​Seduction) place an emphasis on improving yourself and your lifestyle in order to become a more attractive person. Both place an emphasis on drawing boundaries around who you are and what kind of behavior you will accept from people. The Mystery Method is all about telling interesting stories that portray attractive qualities about oneself, something most great people do anyway. I’m sure many of you have friends who tell the same kinds of stories the first time they meet new people, they just aren’t as aware that they’re using the same stories over and over again. . Speed ​​Seduction, on the other hand, teaches you to learn certain patterns and phrases to make your speech more persuasive and interesting. When you look at some of the romantics that have been around over the years, people like Casanova, you’ll find that they use the same kind of descriptive language, they just didn’t consciously try and learn and apply techniques to acquire this form of speech. Or maybe they did?

The general reaction from the studio audience was quite positive, and as the show progressed and the guests were given a chance to explain their side of the story, they began to win over the audience. Savoy of Mystery Method later said that there doesn’t have to be this negative image of the pick-up community. If he has thought about improving his social skills, there is a lot of material and information available to help him. You don’t have to have money, looks, or fame to have the kind of success and social life you really want, you just have to make the decision to go out and socialize, and now you have the tools to help you improve.

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