These are the characteristics of adult children in North America

The following is a summary of the common characteristics of males possessing child psychology in American society. For a more detailed look at these plus an explanation of why they are the way they are, see the book Asian Fever: White Women Take Note.

desire for toys

Many men want “toys” of all shapes and sizes, from entertainment systems and video games to boats and sports cars. The desire for these toys is partly due to having the thrill and excitement of using them, but also due to the social status they convey and the interest in the toys from their male friends. Another element that adds to this is the belief that some women will find them more attractive because of these items.

Want to play with your friends.

Boy-psychology men have a strong desire to go out and have fun with their friends. This fun is associated with the “good old days” of youth, and these men often crave the drinking and socializing they had when they were younger, or even if they didn’t have these times in their youth.

Dedicate time to their families to gain free time

Masculine psychology men often spend time with their family so they can buy time to spend with their friends playing games or socializing. They accumulate the time they have dedicated so that they can leave their families for a time free of guilt and with the relative acceptance or acceptance of their spouses.

Drive cars like racing machines.

Masculine psychology men often drive their vehicles at higher than average speeds, essentially racing them. This is partly due to a desire to have fun and a desire to beat their time before their destiny, but also due to their longing for the fun of youth, where they believe their true fun lies.


These men tend to spend a lot of time watching porn and possibly going to strip bars to see the women live. These activities fuel their fantasies not only about intercourse with these women, but also a sense of power and achievement of being desired by women.

Easily seduced or preoccupied with attractive women

As an extension of the sentiments that lead to porn, male psychology men are often easily seduced by attractive women even when they are in a relationship and even if they are not seduced they will act very differently around her in an effort to attract them. male. This touch of attraction and sexuality makes the man feel that he could not only successfully date this woman or have sex with her, but will conjure up fantasies of how her life could be better with her by her side.


A very common element in the psychology of American children is the tendency to brag about accomplishments and exaggerate accomplishments. This stems from a desire for others around them to approve of males and be impressed by them. This is due to low self-esteem and is a trait that Asian women often recognize in North American men.

Reframe your failures to look like victories

Boys’ Psychology American men have a hard time accepting failure as just failure, and they often reframe defeat to somehow turn it into victory in their minds. This is due to low self-esteem, which leads to an inability to accept this failure for what it is and learn from it.

Living vicariously through your children

A common problem with masculine psychology men is that they live vicariously through their sons, having their own emotions fueled by feelings of failure and anger and thus driving their sons to succeed where they failed. This is often seen in men who pressure their sons to perform well in the sports they play and are generally unsuccessful.

Never be satisfied with success

A common trait in boyish men is that they are never satisfied with the success they have achieved, even if it is tremendous. This is often mistaken for healthy ambition, which it is not. It arises from a need to constantly prove themselves, because if they don’t, they will begin to feel the emptiness and sadness that exists within them.

excessive gambling

Men with child psychology often gamble excessively, jeopardizing their financial stability and that of their families. This stems from the belief that they are always on the verge of winning the big one, that success is always just around the corner. This stems from the need for achievement and low self-esteem, an estimate that would allow the man to feel satisfied and not seek the type of achievement that he pursues.

-An excerpt from the book. Asian Fever: White Women Take Note

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