Acid Reflux Recovery Diet and Recipes Present the Perfect Cold Weather Dinner

As the leaves begin to turn autumn colors and in the evenings we are tempted to sit by a warm fire, a hearty meal comes to mind. Fall and winter bring an abundance of tubers, green squashes, and fruit that can be used to make hearty meals. The challenge is keeping these dishes healthy, that means keeping them as alkaline as possible.

When trying to reverse the symptoms of acid reflux, diet is probably the most important consideration. That old cliché, “you are what you eat,” has never been more true. If you eat foods and drink beverages that are acidic in nature, then you will also be acidic in nature. If you eat a diet that consists primarily of so-called “convenience foods,” you have no chance of being alkaline.

To beat the acid reflux condition, one must strive to correct the pH factor of the body. 7.5 pH is the ideal alkaline body level. You can test the pH level of your saliva with pH paper, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Some medical authorities state that all diseases, including cancer, cannot exist in an alkaline environment. If that’s true, it’s certainly food for thought!

It is important to remember that the acid reflux condition could not be perpetuated without a damaged esophagus. To cure this affliction, the esophagus must be allowed to repair itself. This can be achieved by eliminating foods and drinks that are irritating or acidic. Avoiding anything that relaxes the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) is another important consideration. The LES is the muscular valve that separates the esophagus and the stomach. It is when this valve relaxes that acid and pepsin splash from the stomach into the esophagus and throat, causing acid reflux.

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach has been compared in strength to the acid in a car battery. With acid reflux, the constant assault of acid causes small lacerations to develop in the lining of the esophagus. Until these lacerations have had a chance to heal, spicy foods such as sour tomato products, hot peppers, raw garlic, and raw onions should also be eliminated from the diet. They just further irritate the condition. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating chocolate also relax the LES, impeding the healing process.

The key to acid reflux recovery is to eat nutritious, alkaline, easily digestible foods until your esophagus has healed. Eating early, leaving at least three hours before bedtime, is an essential habit to develop. Eating slowly and chewing your food completely in a relaxed, pleasant and stress-free environment is also of the utmost importance.

I’ve listed some of my hearty favorite fall and winter recipes that I enjoyed during my own recovery period. Cooking meats, vegetables, fruits, and seafood in liquids produces delicious dishes that can be prepared quickly and easily. I have employed a technique called “stew” for the main course below. It’s one of my favorite cooking methods, because it packs the flavor into a one-pot dinner. I’ve also included a seasonal soup starter and a special dessert to round out the perfect cold weather dinner.

Try doubling entree and dessert recipes so you can have them later in the week… less time in the kitchen. Remember that cooking from scratch rather than relying on prepared foods is a better approach to overall good health. It’s also good to know what you’re actually eating.

I hope you enjoy the following seasonal recipes. Even though I have been cured of acid reflux, I still serve these delicious dishes on a regular basis. The whole family should enjoy these too. Well, kids may not like oysters, but you sure will. This menu is great for entertaining as the first and last courses are prepared ahead of time and the first course is a doddle. For those of you who live in warmer climates, remember that winter is a state of mind.

Bon Appetite!


This is a rustic country style dinner plate that really embodies the concept of “comfort food”. Unlike thick cuts of meat, braising chicken takes a fraction of the time, and the chicken soaks up all the flavors of the vegetables and liquids. Mashed potatoes are a perfect accompaniment. This is a serving size for four and takes about an hour to prepare.

1 chicken (3 ½ lb.), cut into 8 serving pieces

½ cup of flour to coat

olive oil

2 medium sweet onions chopped

4 medium turnips, peeled and cut into ½” pieces*

3 garlic cloves, finely minced

2 cups of chicken broth

2 cups of white wine or dry vermouth

2 sprigs of thyme or ½ tsp. dry

1 tablespoon. chopped parsley

Pat chicken dry and season with salt and pepper. Go through flour and reserve.

Heat a heavy skillet over medium high heat and add enough olive oil to coat well.

Brown the chicken pieces skin side down and flip them in about 7 minutes (this can be done in two batches, if needed)

Transfer the browned chicken to a plate and cover to keep warm.

For all but 2 tablespoons. of the fat and lower the heat to medium low

Add the onions and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, until soft and lightly browned.

Add the turnips and garlic and cook uncovered for five minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent the onions from burning.

Return the browned chicken to the skillet and toss with the vegetables to coat both sides, placing the chicken skin side up.

For broth and wine over chicken mixture

sprinkle with thyme

Cover and lower heat to simmer until chicken is cooked through and turnips are tender, about 30 to 40 minutes.

Transfer chicken and vegetables to a serving plate.

Reduce sauce over high heat, if needed, to thicken

Season sauce with salt and pepper to taste and pour over chicken and vegetables.

sprinkle with parsley

*Parsnips can be substituted for turnips, or a mix of the two.


I’ve heard rumors that oysters are a bit sour; however, I have never had indigestion. I confess that this is quite a rich dish, but a small portion will give you more pleasure than bread. You have to pamper yourself from time to time.

1 ½ tablespoons unsalted butter

A dozen freshly opened oysters (or the freshest you can find) with liquid

1/8 teaspoon celery salt

1 ½ ounces sherry

Dash of Worcestershire sauce to taste

Cayenne pepper

1 ½ cups whole milk with a little cream added

Chives, chopped

oyster crackers

In a bain-marie pot, place butter, oysters with liquid, celery salt, sherry and Worcestershire sauce (water in bottom pot should not touch top pot).

Using a wooden spoon, stir until the oysters curl around the edges (don’t overcook), about a minute.

Pour in the milk mixture and continue stirring.

Remove from heat just before boiling and serve immediately.

Sprinkle each serving with a little cayenne pepper.

Garnish with chives

Offer oyster crackers on the side


You have to plan a little in advance for this dish. Pears should be ripe, but still springy to the touch. Buy them a week in advance and place them in a paper bag with a banana. Don’t ask me why, but this works. Choose pears with the stem intact.

8 smallish red Anjou pears

juice of one lemon

1 cup extra fine granulated sugar

2 cups of red wine

¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cinnamon stick

Carefully peel the pears down to the stem (the stem is useful for turning and presentation)
Cover each peeled pear with lemon juice and reserve.

In a saucepan place the sugar, wine, vanilla and cinnamon.

Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves.

Add pears and reduce heat to a simmer, covered

Poach pears until tender, 10 to 20 minutes depending on the size of the pears, turning once

Remove from heat and allow pears to sit in liquid, turning again so color is even, another 20 minutes.

Remove pears from liquid to dessert plates.

Reduce liquid over medium high heat to a syrupy consistency and pour over pears.

Serve with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprig of mint.

© 2006 Editorial Wind

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